How many times have you asked yourself, how did I end up here?
Working your ass off...for what exactly?!
To sit in meetings all day, constantly putting out fires, taking on all the things—only to go home at night totally spent—too tired to meet friends for happy hour or head out for a run. And no matter what you always feels like you're dropping the ball or letting someone down.
There’s so much pressure to do every.single.thing (with a smile on your face and a latte in your hand)...and to never skip a beat.
This isn't how you thought things would be...
You're exhausted, overextended....and ready for a change.
Most people want to be happy, but most of us aren’t actually doing the things that make us happy. We’ve next stepped our way into this life where we’re constantly scrambling to keep all the balls we’re juggling in the air. And we wind up feeling disconnected, out of balance, and ultimately just going through the motions to make it through those 24 jam-packed hours in the day.
At least that was me. I was working as a therapist in community mental health —juggling a demanding work schedule while also navigating unexplained infertility. I felt like I was constantly spinning...until the bottom fell out...


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