5 Happiness Tips

While some things in life have returned to “normal” there is still so much that’s uncertain—it’s like we’re still living in this limbo phase, and the stress and anxiety that settled in during the pandemic feels like a fog that hasn’t quite lifted. ⁠⁠ Here are 5 tips to help:⁠⁠ Identify what makes you happy NOW + spend time in, on, …

Ask for What You Want

I was on the news last week to share what prompted me to start my business 9 years ago. I got this opportunity because I asked for it. The first time I asked though, it wasn’t a yes.  We don’t always get what we want the first time around but don’t let that stop you from following up and asking again. What’s something in your …

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

It was a little rainy yesterday, but we decided to head to Cedar Points Water Park anyway. I keep things pretty low-key in my life these days…having a whole theory about how I’ve lived my 9 lives and it’s time take it easy ;). But somehow my sister and husband convinced me to climb several flights of stairs and get …

Quick Way to Refocus

If you’re like most of my clients (and honestly most people that I know), life gets busy…and you get distracted.   This is why at the beginning of each month (on the HH calendars), I ask you the same thing: what will you do this month to connect with how you most want to feel? It gives you a quick opportunity to …

Could EFT/Tapping Help You?

I was interviewed for an article in Oxygen magazine about one of my favorite stress management strategies—Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) aka Tapping. It’s really effective AND you can use it anytime you’re feeling pushed to your limits (or just need a little reset). I know a lot of people think it’s a little too woo (energy meridians and such) but …

Lending a Helping Hand

We were ready to get home after a fun adventure in Colorado. We hopped off the plane and part jogged part twirled through the airport (it was after 11 pm so we were both feeling a little delirious). Plus we were really excited to see Mark. As we approached the overcrowded, feels-a-little-like-a-cattle-shute escalator I heard people calling out a name. …

You Can Change Your Life

Yesterday one of my clients sent me this message, “Thank you for teaching me this.” Along with a video about how you can change your life at any moment.

It’s okay…

It’s okay to be happy with where you are.   It’s okay to set one (or more) of the balls you’re juggling down.   It’s okay to say no to something you don’t really want to do.   It’s okay to NOT subscribe to other people’s drama, perspective, or expectations.   It’s okay to do things your own way.   …

3 Ways to Boost Your Luck

Want to boost your luck?  Luck isn’t just about being in the right place at the right time, it’s also about creating opportunities for yourself—and jumping at them when they show up. Here are 3 ways to do that:

Goal Setting—Step 1

Would you love to be part of the 8% of people who actually follow through on their goals? If so, start by answering this question: If you could have anything, what would you want?  Know exactly what this is first. Is it more adventure, happiness or money? Is it more balance, family time or more meaningful work? Is it someone …