Health Coaching and Mayflies

Health coaching is an ideal career for me; it ignites a passion inside of me and allows me to connect my profession with my values and belief system.  Health coaching is a relatively new career for me although I have been working with people to achieve change for the better part of the past decade.  The other night while practicing …

I love granola

I love granola.  I really, really love granola.  I love the way it fills my house with that fabulous sweet baked scent.  I love the combination of sweet and salty, chewy and crunchy.  I love to enjoy it with some berries and almond milk or yogurt.  I love it for breakfast or a snack.  I love that Mark (my husband) …

Balancing with raw foods

I recently completed a 30 day raw food cleanse at my local yoga studio.  Since this was my first cleanse, and it was 4 weeks long, I decided to take it in phases.  The first week I really tried to focus on increasing my fruit and veggie intake, the second week my focus was on decreasing wheat, dairy, and sugar, and …