De-Clutter to De-Stress

10 Healthy Habits to Simply Stress Less Tip #5 De-clutter to de-stress.  Take the time to organize your environment and create on the outside how you want to feel on the inside.  Do some spring cleaning and practice letting go of the old while you make space for the new.  Clutter in our environment can create a lot of static …

Comfort Food

The food mood connection is really undeniable.  Think of a food that you enjoy or from a happy time and it’s hard not to smile.  Think of a food that you ate too much of once or that made you sick and you immediately have a “yuck” type of reaction.  Think of a family tradition type food and well let’s …

5 Tips to Communicate Not So Great News

Over the years I have coached many people in the development of communication skills.  The way in which we communicate can either add to or alleviate stress.  For some reason this topic has been especially present in my life over the past few weeks.  I have had to deliver and receive some “not so great news” and also coached several …

Love & Gratitude

First of all I want to wish you all a very Happy Valentine’s Day.  I am grateful for this day and the reminder to express love and gratitude for all of the amazing people who have blessed my life.  I am grateful for the opportunity to share this day with colleagues, clients, and friends and for the opportunity to share …

Love Lessons from Rocky

Let me start by telling you a little bit about Rocky.  Rocky is our 9 1/2 year old American Bulldog with personality plus.  When he was a puppy he had an unbelievable amount of energy and would run, leap, and bound wherever he would go…let’s be honest, he’s still like that, he just needs more frequent naps.  When someone first …

Avocado Oil

I was walking through Costco the other day and came upon a giant bottle of Avocado Oil. Exciting because I am a big fan of the nutrient dense avocado.  To be honest I was not familiar with Avocado Oil but I bought it anyway because it is a high heat cooking oil and I have been looking for a good …

Nutty Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Yesterday Mark and I were out running errands…in a snow storm.  We decided to stop for dinner since we were both pretty hungry and with the freezing cold temps and the blowing snow, we just were not really sure how long it was going to take us to get back home.  As I was perusing the menu I noticed the …

New Year, Best You

Welcome 2014, this is going to be a great year!  I love all the excitement and promise that comes with a new year, and it seems so fitting to wake up this morning to a brilliantly beautiful blanket of snow.  The snow symbolizes a blank slate, ready for all that is to be written in the new year. We enjoyed …

Happy Anniversary Balance & Thrive!!!

Happy 1st Anniversary to Balance & Thrive!!! Wow, I cannot believe that a year has passed by already.  So much has happened in such a short time, it is amazing to me how quickly time passes.  I have learned a lot during this last year and I wanted to share with you some of my business life lessons.  I hope …