My Top 5 Suggestions for Keeping Motivated During Transition Time

I am currently going through several transitions all at once.  So, I thought it may be helpful to share what I find myself doing to keep motivated! Get back to basics.  This includes practicing good self-care skills including eating well, drinking water and staying hydrated, getting adequate sleep, and staying as close to routine and structure as possible during this …

Seriously Simple Spanish Rice

  Ingredients: 2 TBSP EVOO ½ Sweet Onion 2 Cups Rice (I used Brown Basmati) 1 Can Organic Diced Tomatoes 1-2 Cups Frozen Organic Corn 2-4 Cups Organic Vegetable Broth 1 Tsp (or more) Cumin 1-2 Garlic Cloves Fresh Chopped Cilantro to taste Heat large skillet over medium heat and drizzle with Olive Oil.  Add in the diced onions and …

Get Your Best Club Out

A week ago Saturday, Mark and I went to a very dear friend’s graduation celebration.  While there, we were chatting with her Dad about golf.  He and Mark were exchanging some golf stories…I’m too new to the game to have any stories of my own…well besides the time when I was a kid and drove the golf cart for my …

Mindfulness Hike

This weekend I went on a hike in the Metroparks with my dog, something I do all the time when the weather is nice.  As I was getting ready, I stuffed my ipod and headphones into my pocket, as we usually do a little trail running and music is my go-to motivator.  As I started on the path, I was …

Are you supportive?

What does it mean to be supportive?  Well, when I typed this exact question in to a Google search this was the definition “providing encouragement or emotional help.”  This pretty much hits the nail on the head.  The song Lean on Me by Bill Withers also sums it up perfectly (click to listen)! We all need support of some type …

Beautiful Brussels Sprouts

I have not loved, liked, or enjoyed Brussels sprouts for most of my life. I vaguely remember some not so great go round with them as a kid, and then avoiding them ever since. I was perfectly content to never eat these little baby cabbages ever again.  But then a few years ago Mark ordered them at a restaurant, so …

Simple IS the Solution

After one of my recent Simply Stress Less presentations someone approached me, sharing their surprise that what I was suggesting seemed to be so simple. “Yep, that’s right,” I replied, “simple IS the solution.”  Somewhere along the line we have made things overly complicated in an attempt to make things more convenient.  What I coach people on is how to …