Fitting in Fitness

It’s hard to find the time to fit it all in. I get it. Everyone is busy and we often feel pressured to make tough decisions. I hear from clients all the time about how challenging it is to live healthfully. Meal planning, grocery shopping, meal prep, exercise – how do you fit it all in on top of a …

When Self – Sabotage Hits…

Ahhhhh…self-sabotage, how we loathe you. You show up just as things are getting good. And then BAM! There you are to rain on the parade, bringing with you a lightning storm of negative self-talk. “You can’t do this,” “you always screw up,” “you must not want it bad enough,” “you don’t deserve it,” “why do you always do this,” “I …

I walked a bear and fought an alligator…

Well, kind of… So here’s the story… Every spring Mark and I take a road trip south. This year our destination was sunny (and 85 every single day) Naples Florida. We stayed at my aunt’s house, in a small community on a golf course, surrounded by lush greenery and lots of nature. That’s where it happened. I wanted to be …

How to Walk Through Your Mental Maze

Today is one of those days where I have a lot on my mind. Lots of big decisions are making me feel physically unsettled. Today is one of those high-stress-big-deal kind of days. Ever had one? I know that I want the decisions I make to feel good; after all, I want the outcome to feel good, and I know …

Eat Butter Change the World

What if we’ve got it all wrong? What if all the “science” and the data have made us unnecessarily stressed out and fearful about our food choices? What if we’ve been misguided…what if they’re wrong? I recently read an article in TIME magazine, “Eat Butter” by Bryan Walsh. In the article, he talks about the new science regarding the facts …

Chicken & Rice Soup

48oz Vegetable Stock 2 cups Water 3-4 small chicken breasts cut in chunks 1 bunch of collard greens, stem removed and chopped 1 cup rice 3-4 stalks celery, chopped 5-7 small/medium carrots, peeled & chopped 1 onion chopped 2 bay leaves salt & pepper to taste Lightly saute chopped celery, carrots and onion in large soup pot for 5-7 minutes …

Where is Your Balance

I was talking with one of the Total You Cleanse participants today, and she was sharing about feeling conflicted with her participation in the program. She asked if it would be okay to focus on a few specifics things instead of following the program in its entirety. Absofreakinlutely! I validated her thoughts and feelings and welcomed the opportunity to customize …

Wanna Know the Truth?

When you look into the mirror, you don’t see the real you. You are distracted by all of your imperfections, self-judgments, and comparisons. You feel tired and worn out by working so hard at keeping up appearances. Fear drives your thoughts, words, and deeds. I get it, I’ve been there too. I spent much of my life hating the way …

Livin’ the Dream…

My sister and me celebrating her birthday at the Belle Isle Aquarium in Detroit, MI. I have always dreamed of being a mermaid…which is sort of ironic since I have a totally irrational fear of sharks. This weekend I got to put on my gold mermaid skirt and I was livin’ the dream (on land) at the Belle Isle Aquarium (click the …

How to Get Back Up

Have you ever felt like life karate chopped you in the throat and finished it off with a kick to the gut? Whether it’s a flat tire making you miss an important meeting, a colleague treating you like crap, or a “blown way out of proportion” fight with someone who matters most, it sucks. These experiences often leave you feeling …