Tips to Stay Active All Summer Long

The temperatures are warm, the sun is out and the days are long. Here in Cleveland, OH that’s pretty exciting stuff. And I don’t know about you, but for me this time of year brings with it a burst energy. It always feels easier to get out and get moving during the warmer months. So if you’re not moving that …

Dirty Shrimp

Here is yet another easy-to-whip-up, crowd-pleasing recipe. My mom introduced me to this recipe, and she has served it on a variety of occasions. These shrimp are full of flavor and pack a bit of a kick. Enjoy them as plain old peel-and-eats, or serve them up with some rice and veggies.       Dirty Shrimp 1 Tbsp Worcestershire 1 …

Banana Split Balls

Today I was craving something to satisfy my sweet tooth, and I knew exactly what would do the trick. I love, love, love these Banana Balls. They are sweet and refreshing (and sort of taste like a banana split!). They are one of my favorite recipes, and so quick and easy to whip up! Banana Balls 1/3 c maple syrup …

White Bean Hummus

Hummus…well is always delicious, but who knew it was so easy to make?! Whip this up and serve it with some fresh cut veggies, and you can delight in a tasty and healthful snack! Hummus 3 14 oz cans drained cannellini beans 1/4 c. extra virgin olive oil 1/3 c. fresh squeezed lemon juice 4 cloves garlic 1/2-1 tsp cumin …

Spicy Soba Noodles

These soba noodles are great as a side or totally on their own. Top them off with some spicy shrimp for an added kick. These are also a cookout crowd pleaser! Thanks to my friend Amy for sharing this great recipe from One Dish Vegan by Robin Robertson! Spicy Soba Noodles 10 oz. Soba noodles 2 TBSP dark sesame oil …

3 Must Do Summer Self Care Tips

[av_one_half first] [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=”] It’s sunny. And beautiful. I love this time of year. I love the warmth and the sun. I love the connection with friends, family, and the outdoors that this time of year brings. I enjoyed the long weekend, the “unofficial official” start to summer. And I was also reminded of my 3 Must Do …

Shifting Into Choice

Feeling stuck, trapped, or out of options are on my least favorite feelings list. How about for you? There was a time in my life when this was the norm. I was a complainer, and I often felt like I was a victim of circumstance. I didn’t physically feel good, and it clouded how I saw the world. I used phrases …

Wine, chocolate & superfoods!

These are three of my favorite things! So often I talk with people about eating healthfully, and the initial reactions are dread, despair, and deprivation. Then when I talk about how eating healthfully not only helps one to feel good, but also gives on the freedom to enjoy delicious food, I am met with skepticism, doubt, and disbelief. Hmmm…could that …

I’ve Fallen Off Track (Too Much Take Out)

It’s easy to do – to fall back into old patterns, to “self-sabotage,” to get “lazy.” It happens to the best of us, even yours truly. This winter, I had fallen off track with my healthful eating. Waaaaaaay off track. I am not a lover of cooking (I sort of hate it), and I was quite comfy in my habit of …

One of the most surreal moments of my life…

The moment that I knew I was forever in love with Mark was on March 12, 2004 at the Funky Buddha in downtown Cleveland, Ohio.  It’s funny how some things are just so ingrained in your mind. That was one of the most surreal moments of my life.  We both loved to dance, and so there we were celebrating my birthday on the …