Ever felt a little trapped?

On a recent visit to my parents’ house in Michigan two birds flew in through the open door of their screened in porch. One flew out, the other remained. The poor bird was there for hours. The door was still wide open. His friend had found his way out, but this little guy just could not see how to free himself …

My #1 Tip for Clearing Physical Clutter

We all have clutter. For some it is mental or emotional, for others it is physical or life. Yet for most of us, it is a combination of them all. The great news is that as we practice clearing out the clutter and creating space in one area, it transfers to the other areas as well. Clearing clutter happens to …

I had a nightmare last night! (quick tip)

Last night I had a terrible nightmare. I’ll spare us both the trauma of having to relive it and just keep the details to myself, but trust me when I tell you it was a doozy. I am one of those people who either has no recollection of my dreams or has very vivid and super intense dreams. This one …

Curious about who you are and what you want?

I was recently on vacation with my family in Stone Harbor…In my favorite place with my favorite people. On Thursday a storm was coming in so I went to the beach to check it out. It was really neat to see this triangle of storm growing and moving. It looked so powerful and beautiful. I walked along the beach for …

How to Feel More Connected TODAY!

Do you ever feel alone, lonely or isolated? How about bored or disconnected? Do you find yourself lost in perusing Facebook to find out what people are up to? If you answered yes to any of these questions, know that you are not the only one! At times I find myself more connected to my laptop then to the actual …

Are you ready to set down your armor?

Vulnerability, shame & genuine connection…oh my! Most of us go running for the hills at the mere mention of those words. But thanks to Brene Brown and her book Daring Greatly, we had a great conversation last week at the Unleash Your Radiance book club here at Balance & Thrive. My biggest “aha” from reading the book is that shame …

Stuffed Peppers & Cornbread Recipe

For the filling: 3 TBSP EVOO 1 Sweet Onion, chopped 2 Small Zucchini, chopped 2 Cups Rice, rinsed 1 28oz Can Organic Diced Tomatoes 1-2 Cups Frozen Organic Corn 2 Cans of black beans 2 Cups Organic Vegetable Broth Jalapeños (I used half a jar, drained) 1 TBSP Cumin 3-4 Garlic Cloves, finely chopped or minced 3 tsp Cilantro (I used dorot …

I’m on Thin Ice!!!

The past few months have been full of change and excitement. Things are good. Really really good. And what I’ve learned is that this freaks me out! Last night I was explaining to Mark that I am happy and excited about all the amazing things showing up in our lives right now, but there’s a part of me that still …

Lentil Loaf Recipe

I love good old fashioned meatloaf. It’s one of those comfort foods from my childhood that I just really crave sometimes. I have a really simple and delicious recipe that I use for a classic meatloaf, but I’m taking a time out from red meat and pork right now so I thought I would give a lentil loaf a try. …