Remember Mad Libs? Try this know-your-markers life planner mad lib template…

I love words and stories. When the opportunity to get creative presents itself, I get excited. It’s actually one of the things I love so much about coaching, the opportunity to help others tap into their creativity and to express it with just the right words so that it feels right. This really is the catalyst for change. Recently I was …

What defines you?

I love being a mom. I really really do, but it’s hard. I’m tired a lot and I mostly don’t know what I’m doing…which is weird because it actually feels totally natural. Even though things feel hard and messy and confusing I can honestly say that I am the absolute happiest that I have ever been. But big transitions in …

Get excited…your energy matters!

Last fall we moved into our new home. We had both instantly fallen in love with this house (after 4 years of house shopping we had found the one!). The park like lot was one of the main attractions. It’s absolutely gorgeous and unbelievably peaceful! Maintaining the beauty of our yard is high priority, but both Mark and I are …

It doesn’t have to be easy to feel good!

This has been one of my biggest lessons as a new mom. The $h!t is hard! But also feels absolutely amazing and totally natural.   This is true for so much in life, some of the most rewarding and meaningful experiences are also the most challenging.   Don’t miss out on the good by only looking for it when things …

Choose change, choose you

Change can feel really overwhelming BUT when you connect with what you really want (and align with the feeling), your focused action is actually moving you out of the muck and in the direction of living a happier life as the truest version of you. By choosing change, you are choosing you. This is the most important choice you can …

Turkey Taco Salad Recipe

This turkey taco salad recipe is full of flavor and doesn’t take much time to whip up. There’s also something really refreshing with the fresh crisp lettuce and tomato. You can feel really good about the ingredients that are in this recipe too. Show yourself some home cookin’ love! Taco Seasoning Ingredients: 1 TBSP chili powder 1/4 tsp red pepper flakes …

Fever Scare (plus Epic Photo Fail!)

Our baby boy arrived at the end of January. It’s been an absolute whirlwind the past several weeks and my brain is just starting to feel like it’s working sort of like it’s supposed to again. There have been sleepless nights, tears and laughter…but most of all an overwhelming sense of love and gratitude. Even when there are conflicting feelings cascading …

How to create the space for what you want.

What is it that you want? That you really really want? Every time I think that thought or ask someone that question this song immediately starts playing in my mind. I’m not even going to pretend that I don’t still love this song (and secretly still wish I could be a Spice Girl…if only I could sing…) But seriously, what is that …

Finding Your Fitness

My fabulous friend Jenn (who is also an AMAZING health coach) is sharing her fitness wisdom in this guest blog post. Enjoy! Fitness has become so overly sophisticated, just like eating healthfully.  There are a TON of fitness gadgets, gizmos, and gimmicks out on the marketplace that make it overwhelming and hard to figure out what is right for you. …

My Big AHA! From 2015

In May, after 7 years of hoping, praying & trying, I learned that I was pregnant with our little miracle baby. Totally out of the blue. I was surprised, grateful…and a little scared. Now at the start of 2016 Mark and I are settled into a new home and awaiting the arrival of our baby boy any day now. During …