You Can’t Miss This – 21 Day Program Coming Announcement!!!

Can you believe that it is already mid September?! I mean seriously?! Those warm, sunshiny days of summer seemed to fly by!!! And now, it’s time to trade in our lemonade and flip flops for pumpkin spice lattes and sweatshirts. We are in a transition – a season of change. And I have just the thing to help you harness that energy  so that you can …

Ready for a change?

Are you ready for a change? Exhausted by sprinting through your daily race of hurdles, burnout from the stress of ALWAYS having something “to do” (but never feeling like you’re getting anything done) and just tired of looking around—not seeing where you are as where you actually want to be. You’re desperate for a change.  You wish you could just …

It’s been one of those weeks…

It’s been sort of a rough week around here. My little peanut has forgotten how to sleep…again. Full disclosure – he’s only actually slept “well” a handful of times in the past 6 1/2 months. Once he gets the hang of it (which requires some hard work and serious patience on our part) something happens (teeth, shots, new skill, life) …

Are you afraid of making the wrong decision?

Do you ever feel afraid of making the wrong decision? I know I do – like every single day. How should I launch this new program? What’s the best way to get my peanut to sleep? Should I publish this post? What’s the best way to transition to solid foods? Should I start a new blogging site? What’s the best way …

Holding on AND letting go…

On Tuesday my little peanut started cutting his first tooth…and it was a little rough on both of us. He was uncomfortable and tired. I was sad and uncertain. I never want him to feel one moment of pain, but the reality is, I can’t prevent it either. Pain is a part of life. Sometimes there’s a physical trigger, sometimes a …

Sharing Something Special…and Living Into Your Big Dream!

One of my favorite things to do is write. As a kid I loved tapping into my imagination (I had 2 imaginary bffs – Collid and Stint – for quite some time…until they sadly jumped out of the window of our station wagon, quite possibly in girls bathing suits, never to be heard from again). Creativity, imagination, and writing are what lit …

Saying goodbye to one of our greatest loves…

Last night we said goodbye to one of our greatest loves. He lit up our world and loved us fiercely. His love truly changed our lives. He gave us years of comfort and companionship – we never felt alone. Movies on the couch, walks in the park, afternoon naps, car rides – we shared everything from popcorn to pillows. He …

Three Little Words, One BIG Impact

Today, an eight(ish) year old boy had a big impact on me. We were standing in a very long line waiting to check out and my babe started really freaking out – he was hot and needed a diaper change – I had just been hoping that he could hang there in a few minutes longer so I could wrap up my …

Got Clutter??? (checklist inside!)

Last Saturday I taught a “Clear Your Clutter” class and it was so much fun! I love it when I teach a class to a group that is interested, engaged and ready for change! Pretty much everyone in the class had read just about every book out there and tried every go to method…yet they were still stuck in the never …