I promise you, it will be worth it!

We’re 5 days into the new year – how are you feeling? Me? I’m feeling a little slow motion. Maybe it’s the the snow and the 20 degree temps or maybe it’s because all of our Christmas stuff is still up…maybe it’s both…I don’t know. But what I do know is that at least for me, January is a tough time …

2 questions you must answer now for a really great 2017

I’m sitting here looking out the window at the snow – I LOVE snow. It’s so beautiful and cozy. Snowy days like this give the perfect feel for reflecting and planning. Reflecting and planning is exactly what I’ve been doing for the past several days. 2016 was a year of massive transition. In January, I became a mom. The learning curve …

Published in The Cleveland Plain Dealer (and out came the haters)

Have you ever put yourself out there and had it not go so well?  I have…lots of time, most recently on Monday. I was “seen” and it stung a bit…at least at first.  I felt totally blind sighted and a little violated.   Here’s what happened… I wrote an opinion article for The Plain Dealer. Yes!!! It was published on Cleveland.com. Yes!!! …

What to do about your weaknesses…

I hope that you had a really great Thanksgiving! Ours was really nice…with just a touch of drama on the way home. Our puppy Stella had eaten a baby sock AND a shark finger puppet (she’s super stealth about it and we had no idea). We ended up at the emergency vet on our drive home – good news is …

I was embarrassed

I was embarrassed – that’s actually not even true. Mortified feels like the much better word. Let’s go with that, I was mortified.   I was in the 7th grade and my grandmother was coming to visit. She had made me this dress – it was a long white sleeveless dress with maybe 1 inch colorful stripes on it. My …

Be Seen, Beautiful (workshop details!)

I am so glad you’re here – I have something really important to share with you…. Your imperfections are what make you human. Your imperfections are what make you beautiful.    Yet so many of us have spent so much money, time and energy trying to hide our “weaknesses” or fix our “flaws.” Believe me, I’ve been there! It took a …

Have the hard conversations

If you want to be happy, communication is key. Seriously – you have to learn to talk about it. Yet so many people avoid having the hard conversations. Recently I was talking with someone about a hard conversation that needs to happen. An important relationship is at stake yet neither side wants to talk about it. Talking about hurt feelings, unmet …

Now is the time to develop it, are you ready?

The Make IT Happen meeting Saturday was really great. I love being around people who believe in more AND who are willing to do something about it. Really, it’s very very inspiring. We talked about being emotionally transparent and our roots being exposed – aka vulnerability. It’s a topic that has most of us running for the hills. Yet it’s a vital …

Start with a blank slate

Yesterday our landscapers were here. I could tell that I was driving them crazy (I’m really good at picking up on super subtle cues – seriously, even if you try, you can’t hide the truth from me…I probably should’ve been a detective or something). Anyway, we were walking the yard and talking about changes to make – fall is here, …

I asked in ONE word, what do you want?

Hello!!! Hope you had a really great weekend!  Any highlights? One of mine was the “Make IT Happen” class on Saturday at Ubuntu Wellness Center (if you haven’t checked them out yet – do it – love, love, love!!!) So, as part of class – I asked in ONE word, what do you want? Have you tried this yet? It can be tricky …