Cinco de Mayo Recipes

This is one of my absolute favorite meals to make. So. Freaking. Good!!!! It’s perfect to help you feel a little festive for Cinco de Mayo, but honestly, this easy to prepare meal can be enjoyed anytime of year! Feel free to get creative with it. Think Flank steak and zucchini fries or roasted veggies. Even a simple tossed salad …

You are Alive!

You are alive. You are here right now. Your heart is beating. Your lungs are breathing. You are alive. Live your life right now. Choose to be here. To be strong. To be present. Co-exist with your fear. Acknowledge your regrets. Let them go. Know your darkness. Your pain. Your shame. Lean in.  Forgive. Wrap yourself up in love like …

The Difference Maker to Living a Happy, Fulfilling Life

Yesterday Mark sold his Harley. He’s mentioned a few times that he was thinking about it, but I didn’t think that he would actually do it.  He LOVED that bike, and he loved to ride. It was a hard decision for him, I know, but he was so sure of the choice he made. “That’s not the phase I’m in …

Discussion Group Saturday!!!

Have you ever felt like you “missed your calling” or it’s “too late” to have what you really want? Do you ever catch yourself reflecting back on all of those “missed opportunities” or daydreaming about the coulda, shoulda, woulda’s of life? How often do you find yourself just going through the motions or feeling stuck? If any (or all) of …

Good Vibrations – 5 Tips to Boost Your Mood Now!

There are a lot of factors  out there that can impact our mood – food, exercise, work, relationships, news, traffic, life, weather, and even the phase of the moon!!! One thing that I’ve learned along the way is that the better I feel about myself and where I am at in life, the better I can navigate those other factors. One …

How to relight your love flame

Sometimes there’s so much “to do” it feels hard to keep up and we sort of fall into this survival mode autopilot frame of mind. Interestingly enough – we can also go into this frame of mind when we’re not feeling very lit up by life. When we’re feeling weighed down by energy draining obligations…or even when we feel like …

Shift Your Perspective To Get What You Want

This month in the Make IT Happen Masterclass we’re talking about how to get what you want. I know that I bring this up a lot – but it really is so important (and sooooooo many of us struggle with it). We have to shift our focus from what we don’t want to what we do want. It’s the only …

Is this what you’re afraid of?

The start of a new year is filled with the promise of something new – something better. We can all feel the excitement of it in the air. 365 days to be written by this new, best version of you. Lose weight…start a business…write a book. The possibilities are open and endless. But by February our motivation is waning. And …

Do you ever feel like nothing is working?

Have you ever had one of those days or weeks when it felt like nothing is working? Last week was one of those weeks for me. It felt like everything I touched fell apart. From dealing with health insurance to launching the new masterclass to coordinating coaching sessions to a frustrating PayPal hiccup – even trying to order takeout the other night – seriously …