7 Tips to Create a Home You LOVE

7 Tips to Create a Home You LOVE

We just got home from a 2-week vacation to Florida. It was aaaaaaamazing! I loved having time to just hang with my family. Our “regular” life can sometimes feel a little crazy. This was a much needed time to connect with each other, to disconnect from everything else and to just laugh, play and have fun!!! As much as I …

How to change your thoughts

Last week I was in the drive thru line at Starbucks, not totally paying attention, when the person behind me laid on her horn to get me moving. My first reaction – not so pretty. And I felt this wave of thoughts and feelings I did not want come over me. So when I pulled up to the window, I bought her …

How will you make this year count?

I love the excitement of the new year – it feels fresh and full of possibility. Like an unwritten book filled with pages that are ready and waiting for your story. But if you’ve ever written anything, you know the pressure that comes with a blank page – let alone a whole book filled with them! Which is why so …

Decision Making Made Easy

Sometimes, trying to decide between two things that are really important to you can feel impossible. And other times you’re so wiped from making so many decisions, that every single one (big and small) starts to feel completely overwhelming. It’s especially common to feel this way when you’re making any kind of changes in your life. Like when you set …

Stressed about time? Try this…

One of the biggest stress triggers that I hear people talking about is time. No one feels like they have enough of it, and everyone wants more of it. I’ve caught myself feeling trapped by time before too. It’s such a frustrating place to be because we feel out of control and helpless (victims of time). But then I made a very …

What if I’m Wrong?

Day 16. Have you ever considered the possibility that you are wrong about something? About anything? About everything? This possibility has been on my mind a lot lately – not in a worried about it way, but more in a curious about it way. The possibilities of things that any of us could be wrong about are endless. Yet so …

Morning Must Haves

Today is day 15 of my “rise and write” challenge. I last wrote on day 10 – yikes! I’m all for flexibility but I definitely dropped the ball a bit here. Life gets busy, which makes it tricky to stay on track with a new habit/goal. Believe me, I soooooo get it!!! This is important to me so I’m going …

Let’s Raise Our Expectations

Good morning! Today is day 10 of “rise and write.” Yesterday the babe was up extra early. Since I’m ruled by his schedule – “rise and write” didn’t happen. I did however write a post over at Peach Puree and Wine about having it all so that felt like a win :). Interesting thing happened yesterday – my current favorite …

Struggle vs. Hard Work

It’s day 8 – “rise and write.” I cheated a little this morning (checked emails and prepped for my coaching sessions later). I’m missing the sun (it’s much harder to wake up without it), and I swear when it’s overcast and cloudy outside – that is exactly how my brain feels! Today my brain feels a little like mush and …

Getting Back on Track

Good morning friends! Today is day 7 of my “rise and write” challenge. I took a little time out from writing the past 3 days because we had a weekend filled with festivities to celebrate my amazing sister. It is so important to celebrate the people we love and the life we live whenever possible. It’s one of the greatest gifts …