Kinda Healthy Brownies

I love to cook and try new things in the kitchen. Each week, I’ll share what I’ve been cooking up and testing out. Let me know in the comments if you try this one out! Ingredients: 8 TBSP unsalted butter, melted 1 TBSP coconut oil 1 cup sugar 2 large eggs 2 tsp vanilla 1/2 cup almond flour 1/2 cup …

What to do when life gets hard

Money. Time. Kids. Health. Work. Relationships. I don’t know a single person (including myself) who hasn’t struggled at some point in time with every single one of these categories. While life on social media is all sunshine, smiles and fun – that carefully curated highlight reel isn’t reality for the average person. Life gets messy. Sometimes it’s complicated. And every …

Spring Cleaning Checklist

It’s spring! Although here in Northeast Ohio it doesn’t feel much like spring today with gray skies and chilly rain. I hear those birds chirping outside which is helping me to remember that spring weather is on it’s way! Spring is the perfect time to give yourself, and your space, a little bit of a reboot. It’s a great opportunity …

Is it time to spring clean your dreams?

Well, it’s official – spring is here! One thing that’s really important to do when you’re creating a new vision for yourself is to check in to see if you need to let go of any old dreams. Old dreams can hold you back. I imagine it like a hot air balloon – your new dreams are the balloon, your …

Big Dream: Accomplished!

I have a manilla folder in the top of my filing cabinet that says “Big Dream” – book on it. It’s been the folder I pulled out most often during this past year. It’s filled with notes that I took and online information I printed off. It also contains several copies of my book manuscript – covered with my hand …

What’s your vision for the new year?

If you haven’t settled on something quite yet, no worries. But don’t delay much longer. Now’s the time to get focused if you want to create any kind of change in 2019. We’re approaching spring – the ideal time to plant the seed for what you want to bring to life this year! If you’re not sure “how” to get …

Living your best life

There’s a lot of chatter these days about “living your best life.” On Instagram alone there are 1,466,032 posts (and counting) with the tag #bestlife. So I decided to do a quick Google search, “what does it mean to live your best life” because when I look at all of those IG photos—few look like what my best life looks like …

When it rains, it pours.

Have you ever found yourself feeling stressed out and overwhelmed with your life? Or you’ve looked around and nothing seems to be working? Or everything you touch seems to just fall apart? I have, and I believe wholeheartedly in the saying “when it rains it pours.” In my experience when one area of my life feels hard, they all do. …

Time flies when you’re…

A mom! Or when you’re busy working on achieving your goals. Or when you’re on vacation (of course). Or when you’re surrounded by loved ones. But do you remember when time seemed like it was standing still? Maybe when you were struggling and you felt like you’d never get to where you are right now? I came across this picture …

When you owe someone an apology…

Have you ever had one of those moments when you did something, and immediately after you felt like a complete jerk? Maybe you unintentionally said something hurtful or you lashed out at someone over something they didn’t do. Maybe you joined in on some office gossip or were unfairly judgmental towards a stranger. Maybe you were feeling stressed, distracted or …