Yes YOU CAN!!!

sneakers on the beachWe are on vacation this week in my most favorite place in the entire world. We’ve been coming here, to this small beach town in Jersey, every summer for my entire life. I feel so very grateful to have the memories and the continued tradition and I dream of some day having a home here. Some of the best times of my life were here, including my wedding. For me it is a place that connects the past, present, and future, and everything seems a little easier at the shore…

This morning, while jogging, the realization of how at ease I feel and how easy it is to do things here entered my mind. At home the daily to do lists can seem like an overwhelming chore, and exercise seems to frequent the bottom of that list. It’s always surprising to me that I am consistently inconsistent with following through on exercise. I recognize and enjoy the benefits, yet it is not a choice I make regularly every single day.

I’ve always loved the idea of jogging. I’m not sure why exactly, but it has always been this idea that with jogging comes freedom and inspiration. That somehow when you unleash your body in this way you simultaneously open your mind. I know for myself that when I make the choice to get out and run I feel absolutely amazing. Not only do I feel a sense of accomplishment but I also feel creative and inspired. I also love knowing that I made a choice to take really great care of myself, to do something that connects all parts of me and allows for me to thrive in all that I take on that day. This choice is a yes choice and it leads to a yes, YOU CAN kind of mindset for the rest of the day.

It’s a physical, mental, and spiritual demonstration of self care. What I realized this morning is that I do things differently here, my mindset is different. I prioritize self care. I do what feels good first and if I happen to check emails or work a bit, okay, but it’s not on the top of my vacation to do list. I make all choices that feel good first. I feel inspired and grounded and I do what I can to maintain that feeling. I recognize that this is exactly what I need to bottle up and take home with me. This is my souvenir.

Where is self care on your to do list? What do you need to shift so that you can embrace each day with a yes, YOU CAN mindset? How can you feel alive, free, and inspired each day?


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