Why You Should Celebrate

Did you know that celebrating boosts your overall well-being?

It does. It’s actually a great way to reduce stress, build resilience, motivate you towards actions, strengthen connection, boost energy and bring more positivity into your life. 

Celebrate what you can, when you can. And celebrate as often as possible. 

Celebrate the people in your life, little wins, big achievements, holidays, traditions, events, yourself, someone for trying—the opportunities to celebrate are endless (here’s the list of National Days if you need some inspiration).

Your celebration can be as simple as a high five, a phone call, a handwritten note, a virtual toast, a little celebratory dance or a photo on social media. 

Here are 3 things I’m celebrating today:

  1. My mom’s birthday. I am so grateful I got to celebrate with her last week. Today will be a virtual song:).
  2. This amazing fall weather we’re having and all the vibrant leaves. Will celebrate with a walk at the park!
  3. That it’s Tuesday. The day I get to connect with my community, thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your journey!

In the comments below let me know, what’s one thing you’re celebrating today?


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