Where is Your Balance

Where is Your Balance-I was talking with one of the Total You Cleanse participants today, and she was sharing about feeling conflicted with her participation in the program. She asked if it would be okay to focus on a few specifics things instead of following the program in its entirety.

Absofreakinlutely! I validated her thoughts and feelings and welcomed the opportunity to customize the program to exactly what she wanted and needed out of it.

This is what health coaching is all about. So often I hear from people this fear that, “oh my gosh, I have to give everything up, you’re going to judge me, I have to be perfect or I shouldn’t do it all.” This is so not true! I often say that I am a mainstream health coach because part of my journey has been working to find a balance between my health conscious commitment and my standard American lifestyle.

I have done this by being open to enjoying a box of Cracker Jacks at an Indians game (yep, I hear you fellow health fans cringing at these very words) while eating a lot of raw and vegan options throughout the week. When I am out and about, I make the best decisions for me and I can show you how to do that for you too.

It’s not about labeling how you eat. Prioritize making conscious decisions about what you put into your body based on what you discover as being truly best for your body. The discovery and self-awareness piece can be a bit of a process, but once you are clear on this, you can really start aligning your choices with your goals. Learn to do what truly feels good!

Trying to eat and live in a healthful way is so very important, for me, this includes pleasure. It is about balance. It is about feeling happy and fulfilled. It is about quality of life. It is all about you feeling good and finding your balance so that you can thrive in your happy, healthy life.

– Emily

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