What’s your vision for the new year?

If you haven’t settled on something quite yet, no worries. But don’t delay much longer. Now’s the time to get focused if you want to create any kind of change in 2019. We’re approaching spring – the ideal time to plant the seed for what you want to bring to life this year!

If you’re not sure “how” to get clear on your vision, here’s one tool that can help. It’s a guided meditation to help you get clear on what your big picture vision is. I use this exercises often as part of the vision board workshops and it’s also part of the Laugh More, Live Louder course. People always tell me how helpful they find it.

So find some time to get quiet and connect with your vision. The cool thing is, you can return back to this as often as you’d like to help you reconnect with what you’re trying to create AND it gives you great inspiration for your vision board.

Grab your journal and a pen so you can take some notes after you listen to the audio. Click here to listen when you’re ready (it’s 10 minutes).

It’s now time to choose your path, your direction, and your focus so that you can take action and bring that vision to life. Don’t delay – your life is waiting for you to show up and do your part. And your future self will thank you for the action you take today!


– Emily


P.S. If you need some help with getting clear here, let me know! This is one of my favorite things to help people with because once it clicks everything else seems to just naturally start to fall into place! Click here to schedule a strategy session so we can talk about your vision.

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