What’s Love Got to Do with It?

Let’s talk about love.

A lot of times when people think about love – they think about the fairytale version of love – the hearts, roses, butterflies and happily ever afters.

But I think love’s a lot grittier than that.

Love is about a willingness to really look at and see someone for who they are – the good, the bad and everything in between. It’s about walking into, and out of, the darkness together. It’s about commitment and forgiveness, laughter and fun.

Honestly – love is everything. But most importantly, it’s not just about the relationships that you have with others – your family, friends, and community. It’s about the love that you have for yourself which is the foundation for everything else.

The love that you have for yourself is what makes it possible for you to…

  • Have healthy relationships
  • Manage stress
  • Forgive, let things go and move forward
  • Chase your dreams
  • Keep the promises you make to yourself
  • Follow through on commitments
  • Set boundaries
  • Assert yourself, ask for what you want and need, and delegate
  • Believe that anything is possible
  • Feel confident
  • Take risks and step outside of your comfort zone
  • Follow through with healthy habits
  • Prioritize your happiness
  • Cheer for others (vs. comparing, judging or feeling envious)

And ultimately to create a happy and fulfilling life. 

If you have less than warm fuzzy feelings about yourself, if you have a tendency to live in self-doubt, feel trapped in a stressful situation, or distracted and overwhelmed by life – I have 2 strategies that can help.

This first is one is one that really transformed my life. It took me from feeling angry and resentful with my body to being able to see all the ways in which it was working for me.

It was the first step for me to really be able to let the good times and the tough times in life coexist together. It was the first step for me to really find true, genuine, lasting happiness. A daily gratitude practice changed everything for me, you can learn more about getting started for yourself here.

The other one is helpful for when you feel like you’ve lost yourself. Like when you’re working a job that’s not aligned with who you are or you’re in a marriage that feels lonely or when you’re in the weeds raising kids.

It helps you to reconnect with who you are so that you can start making the changes to feel like yourself again. When you feel like you, everything becomes so much easier! You can learn more about how to do that here.

I hope these two strategies are helpful to you!

If you’d like more personalized guidance, support and accountability as you create change in your life, you might want to consider working together privately.

I’ve started enrolling private coaching clients for 2020, and I currently have 3 spots available – if you’re interested, you can learn more about it here.

Wishing you a very Happy Valentine’s Day, filled with lots of (self) love!



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