What you need to know for when life doesn’t go as planned

A few weeks ago we ordered brand spankin’ new convection double wall ovens – yay! I love a good, fully functioning appliance :), and our ovens have been on their last legs since we bought our house 4 years ago.

They squeak when they preheat…cook, and cool down too.

And the interior lights never turn off (mostly due to my kiddo sitting on the lower oven door last year). It was time.

So on delivery day – I was excited, even did a little FB live about it.

BUT when the installers opened the box there were wires hanging everywhere!!! So back to the warehouse my new ovens went. I get it – things happen. And in the scope of life, this really wasn’t that big of a deal.

Still frustrating though.

And that frustration has been compounded by the complete $hi! show that’s ensued with trying to get new ovens out here. Yesterday morning, 30 minutes before they were supposed to arrive, the delivery driver called me to ask if I had them?!

Then later that afternoon, after lots of back and forth figuring out, another driver called to tell me they were on the way to pick them up from my house – are you serious?! I couldn’t help but laugh!

The situation is frustrating. Something that I anticipated to be relatively simple turned out to be really complicated and confusing. Does this ever happen to you?

You get all the things planned out and set up perfectly – your travel plans, career path, book launch, holiday dinner, new appliances, life plan – whatever it is, and then some unforeseen, wildly outrageous, doesn’t make any kind of sense monkey wrench gets thrown in. 

It happens all of the time.

Little frustrations (appliance delivery, tech issues, missed flights) and big giant life curveballs (infertility, career change, health issue).

Life is full of unexpected events, both big and small, that can throw you off your game.

But there’s one thing that’s consistent – regardless of the size or scope of what life throws your way – you’re in control of how you handle it. You get to decide who you want to be and how you want to show up in any given moment.

It doesn’t have to be pretty or perfect, it just has to be aligned with who you are. 

It’s okay to get frustrated, angry or mad. It’s okay to be assertive, to speak your mind, and to say things others may not want or like to hear. It’s okay to not handle situations perfectly, to drop the ball, and to make mistakes. 

What’s important is that you stay aligned with who you are – and you get to decide exactly what that looks like.

If you’re reading this and thinking to yourself, but gosh Emily, I’m just not sure who I am or what that means for me. Then I want you to know, I have just the thing to help you figure that out – my book Happiness Happens. 

It provides you with a 10-week framework so that you can figure out who you are and what you want – this will help you to not only create the life you want, but also to feel happier and less stressed along the way (you’ll be handling those curveballs better than Aaron Judge).

The 5 steps are the ones I took when I was thrown my big giant life curveball – unexplained infertility – and it’s what I teach to my clients too.

You’ll learn how to reconnect with yourself and how to create more happiness in your life, no matter what else is going. You can be happier than you are right now. You can make your dreams come true.

Happiness Happens is a great first step.

Click here to order your copy from Barnes & Noble now.

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