What to do when life gets hard

Money. Time. Kids. Health. Work. Relationships. I don’t know a single person (including myself) who hasn’t struggled at some point in time with every single one of these categories.

While life on social media is all sunshine, smiles and fun – that carefully curated highlight reel isn’t reality for the average person. Life gets messy. Sometimes it’s complicated. And every once in awhile it can be downright hard.

And while I believe that a positive mindset and a consistent gratitude practice are vital to living a happy, fulfilling life I ALSO BELIEVE that sometimes you just have to say efff this and find your way through. Because when shit hits the fan, and you’re in the middle of it – it takes every ounce of energy just to put one foot in front of the other.

So if you’re reading this, and finding yourself in one of those moments in life that just feels really freaking hard. Know that it’s okay to just bring it back to the basics and focus on finding your way through to the other side.

Here are three things to remember along the way.

  1. You are strong. While you may not know how things will work out or if everything will be okay – know that you will be okay. You can get through this. You can do this hard thing that you are already doing. There may be times when you feel completely broken, in those moments just remember to breathe and take it one step at a time.                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  2. You are not alone. Seek out support. Find comfort, connection and inspiration wherever and whenever you can. Make eye contact with strangers, say hello to neighbors. See the people in your world. Let them see you. Reach out to the people who you trust. Who you can tell your truth to and be yourself with. Rely on them. Let them in. And ask for their help.                                                                                                                                                        
  3. You can get to the other side. The path may not be clear. You may not be able to see how or when you’ll get there. Trust that you can, and will, anyway. You don’t have to have all the answers or figure out all the details first. You just have to keep taking those steps – one at a time. Look for them. Be open to them. Take them as you can.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

You absolutely can get through this! As you move through this tricky time, it’ll help if you can see all that actually is working in your life – do this by creating a daily gratitude practice. For tips to help you do so, check out this blog here.

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