Last year, within a week of getting our Christmas tree it was all dead and droopy. The ornaments were falling off and the needles were everywhere. It was such a bummer!!!
This year, I wanted to avoid that same scenario. So, instead of hitting up the local garden center, we headed to a local tree farm to cut one down – fresh as fresh can be!
The second I opened my car door – it smelled like a giant Christmas tree. There was snow on the ground, a blazing campfire, hot cocoa and s’mores. It was so fun, all three of us loved it!!! And we knew instantly that this was the start of a new tradition for us!
On the car ride home, I said to Mark – “it’s a good thing our tree was so crappy last year, otherwise we never would’ve done this!”
It got me to thinking, sometimes it takes things not going so great to force us into something new AND there’s always time to start something new. Whether it’s a new tradition, a new habit or routine, a new way of thinking or being. Today, tomorrow, next week – whenever you decide to begin again – you can!
You don’t have to wait. You don’t have to keep doing the same old thing. You can if you want to, but you don’t have to.
So the question for you to think about today is – what new thing are you ready to start, and when will you begin?
If you’re ready for what’s next but you’re not exactly sure what that is let alone what to do about it, enrollment for the Laugh More, Live Louder course is now open. You can read about it (click here).
I’d love to “see” you there!