Toxins, Toxins Everywhere

Dryer BallBy now I’m sure you’ve heard about the onslaught of toxins that we are exposed to on a daily basis. If not, then boy am I glad you are reading this. It’s amazing to me how many toxins we are exposed to every single day and quite frankly, it kind of ticks me off. There are toxins in the cleaning products we use, the furniture in our homes and offices, in our hair, body and skin care products, in our food, in the air that we breathe…they are everywhere. When I first started my transition into healthier living, I felt totally overwhelmed by it all. Sometimes I still do. It should not be as difficult as it is to avoid exposure to toxins that are potentially harmful to our health.

Persistent exposure to toxins can lead to a number of adverse symptoms that we often don’t link back to the everyday products that we use. Some common examples of symptoms include: fatigue, muscle and joint aches, allergies, headaches, digestive discomfort, difficulty with focus, concentration, and sleep, skin problems including rashes, acne, and general sensitivity, infertility, and other hormonal imbalances. I used to wear a mask when I cleaned because I would feel so crappy afterwards. I realized that I was sensitive to the products, but I didn’t initially realize just how harmful they were to me. While I recognized the sensitivity to the strong cleaning products, I had no idea that my laundry detergent, dish soap, shampoo, face wash, or moisturizers were just as dangerous. Going to the store to buy normal everyday products is like going to chemistry class. I wasn’t a fan of it in high school, and I’m not a fan of it now.

Minimizing your exposure to toxins is especially important if you are pregnant or trying to conceive. Not only can toxins disrupt your endocrine system and contribute to hormonal imbalances and infertility, but they can also impact the baby in utero. According to the Environmental Working Group, the average newborn baby is born with 287 known toxins in his or her umbilical cord blood. Since we are just starting to understand the profound impact that the long-term exposure to toxins has on our health, this is a pretty concerning statistic.

Luckily, there are resources to help us navigate the world of toxic exposure. One of the most comprehensive resources that I have found is The Environmental Working Group. I encourage you to check out their website here. Take the opportunity to explore the products in your home and see how they rank. While I personally recognize that I will not be able to eliminate all toxins, I do what I can to reduce my overall exposure. The Total You Cleanse is one way to tap into and strengthen your body’s healing potential and natural ability to detoxify.

To see some of my other personal favorite products, visit the B&T “favorite products” page here and plan to attend our Reducing Toxic Exposure class on Wednesday February 11th. Visit our website or register here.

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