Ready for a change?

Are you ready for a change?

Exhausted by sprinting through your daily race of hurdles, burnout from the stress of ALWAYS having something “to do” (but never feeling like you’re getting anything done) and just tired of looking around—not seeing where you are as where you actually want to be.

You’re desperate for a change. 

You wish you could just hit the reset button on your life and give yourself a fresh start. 

But you’re not even really sure what that change is, let alone how you could make it happen.

And that’s where you get stuck.

So you keep doing what you’ve always done. Staying in the same habits, the same patterns and losing more and more of yourself every single day.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Just knowing that it’s time for a change is a great start. And my guess is, you’re probably pretty clear on what that change is…but you’re afraid to admit to it.

Because you know that when you do, everything that you now know will instantly be different.

So instead of going direct to the change, first think about how you’d like to be different. How would you like to feel? What would you like to know? Do? Believe? How do you want to show up differently in your life each and every day?

Journal it out. Create a playlist. Start a vision board. Really start to map out this experience—in detail—feel into.

And then, ask yourself, what’s something I can do today that will allow me to live into this experience. Is it making a smoothie for breakfast? Taking a dance class? Setting a work boundary? Asking your partner for help? Calling your sister to vent? Playing with your kids?

What are the actual actions that you need to take so that you can start to feel more like how you want to feel and to live more like how you want to live? 

Pick one area you want to be your primary focus for 90 days. Put your focus there (aka do the thing consistently).

Then—let it all go. Show up. Do your part. Don’t try to force it. Surrender your expectations. And trust that however it all plays out is the exact right way.

Think of it like fishing. That picture you paint about how you want to show up and live everyday is your bait. You bait your hook and cast your line. Casting your line is letting go.

When you cast your line into that deep blue ocean you might be hoping to catch a big ass record breaking marlin.

But if you get so focused on that record breaking marlin—and only that—you’ll miss all the other fish swimming right by you in the sea.

You’ll be disappointed by everything that doesn’t meet that expectation. And you’ll miss out on all the other things—especially the simple, obvious things you’re probably taking for granted by not seeing them because you’re focus is somewhere else.

It’s great to have a clear vision. It’s vital to take action. But if you don’t let go of how you think things should be—you’re going to miss out on everything else along the way. 

You’ll be filled with disappointment and frustration every time you catch a grouper or a sea bass—and that’s just sad because they’re pretty flipping amazing too.

Here’s to hoping on the boat and loving what you reel in!


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