A mom! Or when you’re busy working on achieving your goals. Or when you’re on vacation (of course). Or when you’re surrounded by loved ones.
But do you remember when time seemed like it was standing still? Maybe when you were struggling and you felt like you’d never get to where you are right now?
I came across this picture of my kiddo and me the other day and my first thought was “This was THREE years ago. How is that even possible?!”
These last three years have been some of the fastest years of my life. Which is so crazy since the seven years before it had been some of the slowest.
Life is funny like that – how it slows down and speeds up sometimes…
As I look at this photo (with my kiddo sitting next to me eating his breakfast in bed) I’m overwhelmed with gratitude. I feel so unbelievably lucky to be his mom. And there were so many times over the 7 years of unexplained infertility that I wasn’t sure these moments were going to happen.
I believed in my heart, in the core of my being, that they were meant to – but my everyday real life evidence was telling me something different. It’s tough to stay the course – to hold onto hope and to keep taking action – when things don’t look like they’ll ever come together.
That’s one of the biggest lessons that whole journey taught me – you don’t always know for sure that things will work out the way you want them to, but you have to keep going anyway, because your dream is that important.
So you have to find a way to accept where you are in life, to find happiness there AND AT THE SAME TIME hold onto hope, believe that what you want is possible, and keep taking the steps each day to get you there. And if all else fails, take a second to look back and see how far you’ve already come.
It’s a tricky balancing act – one that’s messy and complicated, sometimes hard and often full of contradictions. But when you can find that place where you can really be you, and accept where you are – you let the mess and the imperfection be okay, then you’re able to keep moving towards your dreams without it feeling like it’s consuming you.
Enjoy the ride, laugh off the small stuff and keep moving forward.
Hoping you find your happiness and that your dreams come true along the way too.