Three Little Words, One BIG Impact

Three Little Words, One BIG ImpactToday, an eight(ish) year old boy had a big impact on me.

We were standing in a very long line waiting to check out and my babe started really freaking out – he was hot and needed a diaper change – I had just been hoping that he could hang there in a few minutes longer so I could wrap up my errand.

But he had had enough.

I was trying all that I could to calm him down but he just wasn’t interested. I was debating putting my purchases down and walking out…but we were so close!!!

And then the little boy in front of us turned around, walked over, set his basketball down and calmly asked “can I help?”

Sweetest most considerate thing ever! I cannot get this kid out of my head. I was so touched by his kindness.

His three little words had such a big impact on me. He instantly transformed a stressful moment into a beautiful moment.

It wasn’t about him, he genuinely wanted to help my little guy settle.

What a great reminder to take the time to reach out and to ask “can I help?” Just the act, regardless of the outcome, is transformational.

And when someone asks “can I help?” be willing to receive it, welcome it with open arms.

It’s so simple and I am so grateful to this little kiddo for taking the time to ask and for reminding me to not only reach out to offer help but also to open up and receive it.


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