reset your


Get instant access to 3-hours of powerful strategy that you can work through at your own pace.

This digital workshop teaches you how to get clear about what’s next and how to create a strategic visual roadmap (aka vision board) so you know the exact action to create it.

This will help you to set and achieve your most important goals, focus your time and energy on your priorities, pivot quickly when you need to, and enjoy the process along the way.

Reset Your Vision is all about building the framework you need to create the change you crave. It's about clarity and it's about reinventing yourself and your life.

Sign Up Now For Just $97

what's inside reset your vision

digital course content
Instant access to 3-hours of powerful strategy, broken into 10 self-paced lessons. You’ll learn how to get clear on what you want, decide about who you are now and how you want to show up in every area of your life, and you’ll design a day-to-day life to match your vision. You’ll learn how to use what’s not working in your life to inspire change (a great strategy to use anytime you’re feeling stressed or stuck), self-care tips to infuse your life with energy and improve decision-making, and so much more.
deep dive starter content

Lifetime access to a series of stress skills that help you to deal with in-the-moment stress and bring your overall stress baseline down. You'll get a powerful 7-minute visualization for letting go, an introduction to tapping/EFT, and so much more. This is a fully loaded toolbox of stress management strategies that you can refer to anytime you need them!

Planning and Strategy

30 days of email support + weekly inspiration delivered directly to your inbox to keep you focused and moving forward. Need extra support? Simply hit reply to one of those emails and ask away! Plus you'll get a 7-step framework to guide you in creating the life you want so you can step into what's next for you!

how it works
Not your traditional workshop
  • write it down

    Write down what’s worked for you, what hasn’t, and how you can use it all to help you move forward with confidence.

  • get clear

    Get clear on exactly what’s next for you so you can stop second-guessing yourself and start taking action.

  • process

    Clear any lingering hurt, guilt, disappointment, and unmet expectations so you’re not carrying them into this next phase of your life.

  • decide

    Decide on what’s next for you—how you want to feel, what you want to experience, and who you want to become—AND map out exactly what you need to make it happen.

  • step into your new future

    Walk away with a strategic visual roadmap (aka vision board) so that you have a clear pathway to create the life you want.




Truly empowering -- this was AMAZING!

Not only did I find (and feel) the clarity of what I want, I now have a practical and easy framework to follow to help me achieve my goals and dreams.

—Shannon Vitale, Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach


Totally loved it!

I felt like I was a tornado just always moving and never slowing down to enjoy the moment. And never actually ever getting anything done despite all the movement. It’s been awesome—I’m definitely feeling more focused and living in the moment!! Plus I’ve loved working on my roadmap with my girls.



I can’t stop raving to my friends about it!

I was feeling stuck, knowing I needed to set some goals, this helped me to get the reset and clarity I needed. It really helped me to see how I can live my life to be the best version of myself and to surround myself with my vision. This experience exceeded my expectations!


    Are You A Therapist?

    This is an amazing tool to use with your clients! It offers an integrated approach to wellness that supports your clients in identifying the change they most want, how to leverage their strengths to get it, and a framework to track towards their most important goals!

    Please contact me directly for the information you need to receive 3 hours of continuing education for this workshop.

    Let's Talk