Remember Mad Libs? Try this know-your-markers life planner mad lib template…

know-your-markers life planner mad libI love words and stories. When the opportunity to get creative presents itself, I get excited.

It’s actually one of the things I love so much about coaching, the opportunity to help others tap into their creativity and to express it with just the right words so that it feels right. This really is the catalyst for change.

Recently I was talking with a client that I’ve been coaching for the past year. She’s so much fun to work with because she is constantly creating breakthroughs. She’s come to accept that step backs are also part of that flow which allows her to be consistently creating movement. That consistent flow is really cool to watch!

It’s so neat to witness her excitement every single time she recognizes her progress AND every time she sets her sites on something new.

One of our recent conversations was about identifying her markers. What this means is really taking the time to identify the key elements that will let her know that she has arrived at where she wants to go.

This is vitally important because all too often we use ambiguous language to describe where we want to go. One example that I hear from people all the time is “I want to be happy.” Great! I want to be happy too, but what does that mean? My version of happy and your version of happy are likely very different.

It’s interesting to me that people are more detailed in planning a vacation then they are their desires in life. Think about it.  If you’re planning a trip, you’re not only going to think about where specifically you want to go but you will also tap into what you imagine that experience to be and feel like.  

The good news is that most of us have the skills to plan a trip, so now we just have to learn how to transfer those same skills to plan out a desire or change.  To help you with that, I’ve created a know-your-markers life planner mad lib for you! Download the template here. Print it out and have some fun. 🙂

I’d love to hear about it. Share your most surprising line in the comments below or schedule a time to chat about it here. I can’t wait for some of the conversations I’ll be having about your know-your-markers life planner mad lib (and I’ll be sure to share some of mine when we chat too!


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