New Year, Best You

Welcome 2014, this is going to be a great year!  I love all the excitement and promise that comes with a new year, and it seems so fitting to wake up this morning to a brilliantly beautiful blanket of snow.  The snow symbolizes a blank slate, ready for all that is to be written in the new year.

We enjoyed a quiet and relaxing New Years Eve at home.  We made delicious food, watched a funny movie (and then the NYE’s specials) , and enjoyed each-others company.  As we went to bed Mark said that this was one of the best ever, that it just felt special, and I absolutely agreed with him.

As we bring in the new year and look back on the year that has passed, now is the time we all start making our New Year’s Resolutions.  These are usually lofty goals for change that last for a few days…maybe a few weeks.  This year, I am suggesting a different approach. Instead of looking at all you want to change and all that you are unhappy with, shift your focus to all that you want more of, all you want to grow.

In my practice I am consistently telling people to find a place of acceptance and to focus on growing their strengths.  In doing this we naturally crowd out areas of our lives with which we are unhappy.  Today, take some time to look back on the past year and think about all that you enjoyed, all that went well, and all of your strengths.  Write down the highlights and take some time to think about how you can grow these areas of your life. Identify new focus points, put energy and attention there, and watch these areas grow.

My 2014 Focus Points:

  1. Enjoy time with my family and friends.
  2. Focus on what is good.
  3. Prioritize my health.
  4. Step out of my comfort zone.
  5. Laugh, play, and have fun.

This new year, enjoy the best you!

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