My Big AHA! From 2015

My Big AHA! From 2015

In May, after 7 years of hoping, praying & trying, I learned that I was pregnant with our little miracle baby. Totally out of the blue.

I was surprised, grateful…and a little scared.

Now at the start of 2016 Mark and I are settled into a new home and awaiting the arrival of our baby boy any day now.

During this time of waiting and anticipating, I’ve taken the opportunity to reflect back on 2015 both personally and professionally. A LOT has changed.

The big AHA! For me from 2015 is that I have been, and continue to be in a cycle of redefining my life and living with intention.

It’s been an interesting realization that the program that I created at the end of 2015 is essentially a model of how I have come to learn to navigate all the transitions in life.

Whether you are choosing something new, or something new surprisingly lands in your lap, having the skills to navigate that process will create the space for you to live a meaningful and connected life.

The first step is to get clear on what it is that you really want, the second step is to let go of attachment to the outcome and the third step is to take aligned action.

While it sounds simple I have consistently found that it is not. Most people don’t know what they want…or maybe they know what they want but have such a vice grip on it that there is no room for it to come into their life.

I was recently working with a client who had been focused on a strong desire of her for 2 years with no results. She was so focused on the desire or death thinking (aka all or nothing thinking) that there was no room for anything else. Within just a few weeks she had not only found peace with the worst-case scenario but she had created the space for the desire to land right in her lap (which it did!).

Is this always the case? No, not necessarily, but oftentimes it is, it’s the idea of surrendering the struggle while holding onto the desire. Wanting what you want, taking action in that direction, but knowing that no matter what it will be okay.

When we let go of the vice grip on what we believe the outcome should be we open ourselves up to see all sorts of possibilities. In these possibilities is where your choices lie. And in choosing, you step into a place of power, and the two-part process of redefining your life and living with intention. It is a continual process of forward progress…of movement in the direction of your desires.

For me, big shifts in perspective, desires and actions presented, as this pregnancy became a priority.

I’ve been in “creation mode” for 2015 so that my business is ready for this new phase (new program and website check it out here). AND I’ve been in “nurturing mode” as I do what I can to take care of and respond to my body.

I have repeatedly navigated the process of redefining my life. It’s been a natural, yet intentional, process of getting clear on what I want, letting go of attachment to that want, and taking consistent action.

I invite you to step into this process as well. My 3 step method is available to download on the website here. This will help you get clear on what it is that you really do want as you welcome in the New Year.

I can’t wait to hear what it is that you really want!


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