My #1 Tip for Clearing Physical Clutter

My #1 Tip to clear out physical clutterWe all have clutter. For some it is mental or emotional, for others it is physical or life. Yet for most of us, it is a combination of them all. The great news is that as we practice clearing out the clutter and creating space in one area, it transfers to the other areas as well.

Clearing clutter happens to be one of my favorite things to do! I love the experience of letting go of what I no longer need while creating the space for what I do need. Even something as simple as clearing out a kitchen junk drawer (something I just did the other day!) can leave me with a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of lightness.

Why does this matter? Because most of us are walking around full of clutter which plays like static in the background. It drains our energy, distracts our attention and keeps us stuck. When we clear clutter we are consciously making a choice to let go of what we don’t need, and this leads to an instantaneous feeling of lightness AND a surge of positive energy.

I recently had the opportunity to work with a client for a Clear the Clutter VIP day and it was an amazing experience! Having the opportunity to witness the energetic shift in someone else is so much fun. It was especially cool a few days later hearing how this experience had impacted several other areas of her life as well.

We might not think about it, but clearing out physical clutter can impact the way we feel about ourselves – our body language, our clothing choices, our interactions and connections with others, our ability to effectively assert what we want and need, our food choices, our exercise, our sleep patterns, our use of “free” time, and so much more!

Oftentimes it can feel overwhelming to get started, or stay focused, which is why I offer in person and Skype Clear the Clutter days to my clients. A little prep work lets us get laser focused so that we work on a chunk size that feels just right AND so that we can begin to create the felt experience someone wants to have in their physical space.

This leads me to my #1 tip for clearing out the physical clutter. Take some time to connect with how you want to feel in relation to your space. Come up with 1-3 feeling words for the space. Doing this allows you to easily make decisions about what stays and what goes. For example, if you want your guest room to feel comfortable and inviting, everything in that room should contribute to that feeling experience, if it doesn’t then find a new home for it (and sometimes that new home might belong to someone else!).

Now it’s your turn. Set aside some time to clear out some physical clutter. Start with an area that feels manageable, like a kitchen drawer or a shelf in your linen closet. Decide how you want to feel in relation to that space. Share in the comments what the experience was like for you.

Feeling like you still don’t know where or how to begin? Does the prospect of getting started leave you feeling overwhelmed or anxious? No worries! Let’s plan a time to talk strategy. Schedule your 15-minute pitch free strategy session here.

Cheers to clearing clutter and creating space!

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