Morning Must Haves

Today is day 15 of my “rise and write” challenge. I last wrote on day 10 – yikes! I’m all for flexibility but I definitely dropped the ball a bit here. Life gets busy, which makes it tricky to stay on track with a new habit/goal. Believe me, I soooooo get it!!!

This is important to me so I’m going to keep this challenge going until I am consistently writing daily. I’m going to worry less about the how, what or where and just focus on doing it. I’m curious to see how many days it takes and I appreciate you hanging with me!

I have to admit that I’ve not made much progress on the book. This book writing thing is hard. I have to keep reminding myself that I can do hard things. I can do this. I want to do this. It’s okay that it’s hard. Some of the best things in my life were so so hard to make happen.

I was up with the babe a lot last night. He was boycotting sleep until super late. I finally gave in and brought him into bed. He fell asleep…horizontally in bed.

Not much sleep combined with the overcast, rainy day has me feeling sleepy and blah. I would LOVE to just curl up on the couch with a good book or watch movies all day. Neither of those things are going to happen, so I have to figure out how to pull it together and make today productive.

This morning I was thinking about what my must haves are to make it through these kinds of days when my energy just feels really flat. Those essential things that help me make it through, even if I can’t totally turn it around. Here’s what I know for sure…

  1. Brushing my teeth. This is just a non negotiable for me. It’s the very first thing I do every morning and it’s what starts me feeling a little bit more like myself.
  2. Shower. This is a must on days that I feel a little flat or sleepy. I always step out of the shower feeling like I rinsed that layer of fog off. I feel fresh and ready to start my day. Truth be told a shower isn’t necessarily a must on other mornings, just the funky ones ;).
  3. Coffee. I love the rich taste of coffee. I so enjoy this part of my mornings and it really helps me to feel like I’m starting my day off with a little indulgence. I like my coffee pretty strong, with just a little coconut/almond milk cream which means 1 or 2 cups is all I need to feel totally satisfied with my morning treat.
  4. Make the bed. If I get nothing else done in the day, at least I made the bed. It helps to know I accomplished something – even if it is a small something. As a side note, it drives me bananas to walk by a messy bed, so this is actually a pretty big deal for me and it takes less than a minute!
  5. Move my body. A walk outside or some stretching – just to get that energy flowing. This doesn’t always happen in the morning but when it does happen I feel the gears shifting. My mind feels a little clearer and my body feels a little more energized.

So those are my morning essentials, especially on foggy thinking lazy feeling kind of days. What are yours?

Emily xo



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