Mindfulness Hike

mindfulness hikeThis weekend I went on a hike in the Metroparks with my dog, something I do all the time when the weather is nice.  As I was getting ready, I stuffed my ipod and headphones into my pocket, as we usually do a little trail running and music is my go-to motivator.  As I started on the path, I was immediately in tune with the changes from the prior weekend. The trees were budding green and there was an abundance of stems and grass peaking out from the space blanketed in brown leaves.

Mindfulness generally doesn’t come easy for me, although I talk about it frequently with my clients and am in awe of the power gained in the shift in our perspectives. During this hike, it was different. Just taking a few moments to take in the changes from last weekend, I felt the shift from my busy mind to calm, and peace.  I decided to take advantage of the ease of getting to this state, and didn’t take out my music at all.  I didn’t run the trails like I had planned. I just walked, and breathed it in.  When my mind would eventually drift back to day-to-day stuff, I would catch the blades of grass or a patch of wildflowers being moved by the wind.  Turning my attention to this brought me back to where I needed to be.  It was simple, easy, and powerful.

Make time to get outside. Allow yourself to walk instead of run. Don’t drown anything out. And when your mind wanders off, just catch the blades of grass being moved by the wind. That will bring you back, and bring you to peace.


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