Livin’ the Dream…

My sister and me celebrating her birthday at the Belle Isle Aquarium in Detroit, MI.

I have always dreamed of being a mermaid…which is sort of ironic since I have a totally irrational fear of sharks. This weekend I got to put on my gold mermaid skirt and I was livin’ the dream (on land) at the Belle Isle Aquarium (click the link to check it out!). It is such a special place, beautifully designed with lots of history. AND there are no sharks there 🙂


The Aquarium was an amazing event venue. It was especially special because it was filled with some really awesome people. AND I loved celebrating my sister’s birthday with her!

There’s nothing like being with people you love, laughing and having fun, to really nourish your soul.

That’s truly special, being surrounded by people you can trust, laugh with and celebrate.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could have a built in community that you could trust, laugh with and celebrate as you made one of the most exciting transformations of your life?!

That’s why I’m here…to offer you an amazing opportunity that will help you kick your healthy into gear. AND HAVE FUN while you’re doing it!

The biggest reason why chronic dieters struggle with those last 5-10 pounds is they fail to see the biggest opportunity that’s right in front of them to lose weight for good.

They’re often so busy trying to find the right diet that they’re “supposed” to be doing, that they miss the chances to discover the REAL permanent weight loss secrets that are right in front of their noses. (This is true whether you’re on your first diet or you’ve been dieting for years!).

As you know, I’m passionate about being of service to ambitious, fun, inspiring women like you! So I’ve created a special program to help you get off that darned diet roller coaster for good…


The ALL-NEW Total YOU Transformation Group Experience!!!


This program is for amazing women who know they deserve more from life than frustration, fatigue and hating their bodies.

Check out all the juicy details and complete your registration here.


“If you can dream it, you can do it.” Walt Disney


I can’t wait to welcome you to your program!


Here’s to you livin’ the dream!



P.S. This program is in person at the Balance & Thrive office this time around BUT keep your eyes out for the virtual program coming your way very very soon 🙂

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