My private coaching clients, family and friends have all been talking about what a whirlwind 2019 has been. I’m not sure if it’s the rollercoaster ride weather or the crazy cosmic forces (yes, I’ve been searching for some answers about why 2019 is so crazy and I’ve found some of the answers quite literally written in the stars). I’ve been sharing some of this information in the Healthy Happy People Facebook Group. If you’re not already a member, you can join us here.
Whether it’s your family life, your health, your finances, your career or something else entirely that’s causing you to feel stressed out and overwhelmed by life, this information can help you figure things out.
The first thing that’s important for you to remember is that when you’re in survival mode, like you are during times of high stress, bring it back to the basics and focus primarily on meeting your basic needs to the best of your ability. So, what are those basic needs? They’re anything you need to survive – think food, water, sleep, shelter and safety.
If you focus your attention solely on these fundamental needs during times of high stress, everything else you achieve will seem like a bonus. The more ‘bonus tasks’ you complete, the better you’ll feel. Celebrating the little extras will help you de-stress and get back on the right track. More on that later…
Doing this will boost your energy so you have the capacity to navigate these stressful times, seek out solutions and move through them a lot more quickly. You can’t always change what happens in life, but you absolutely can adjust how you cope with it.
Setting some boundaries is another great way to help you cope. This is the second important thing for you to remember. Time boundaries are key to your overall well being. Start by asking yourself, what are the expectations I have for myself, and that others have for me? What boundaries do I need to set or shift so that…..
The third thing that’s important for you to remember is to celebrate the wins, the moments of peace amidst the chaos. Small celebrations – focusing on what’s working and going right, will help you to see more of that in other areas of your life. Plus, this is another great way to boost your energy. Stress can be really draining – it can feel like you’re treading water, barely keeping your head up. When you celebrate any little wins it’s as if you’re getting a moment to just float on your back, to breathe and know that you’re going to make it to the other side of this tricky time.