Is it time to spring clean your dreams?

Well, it’s official – spring is here!

One thing that’s really important to do when you’re creating a new vision for yourself is to check in to see if you need to let go of any old dreams.

Old dreams can hold you back.

I imagine it like a hot air balloon – your new dreams are the balloon, your old dreams are the ropes holding that new dream down. You’ve got to let those old dreams go (cut the ropes) so your new dream is free to fly.

A simple way to do this is to just write down a list of every single dream you’ve ever had and go through that list one by one asking yourself, is this a dream for me right now? Is this part of my vision going forward?

If it’s a yes, great, consciously decide to bring it with you. Make it a part of your new dream.

If it’s a no, then consciously decide it’s time to let it go.

Be really intentional about what you’re carrying with you. You and your dreams matter. You don’t want anything blocking you from bringing them to life!

This is an example of one of the exercises that’s in Happiness Happens (available now).

You can order your copy here:…/…/ref=sr_1_3….

When you spring clean your dreams, it’s like pruning your bushes. You’re trimming the dead so there’s room for new growth!

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