Health Coaching and Mayflies

Beach yoga pic croppedHealth coaching is an ideal career for me; it ignites a passion inside of me and allows me to connect my profession with my values and belief system.  Health coaching is a relatively new career for me although I have been working with people to achieve change for the better part of the past decade.  The other night while practicing yoga on the beach while surrounded by swarms of Mayflies, little mosquito like lake insects, I was provided with the opportunity to expand my perspective and gain better understanding about what health coaching means to me.

As I try and navigate my way through this new to me world of wellness warriors I am working hard trying to find my place in it all.  It can be so intimidating and disconcerting hearing people talk about chia seeds and wheat grass and eating all raw.  I am just not there and it freaks me out sometimes to think that because I am not there maybe I don’t belong.  This has led me to be spending a lot of time thinking about what health coaching means to me.  Why I am doing this, where do I fit, what is my purpose…and do I really belong…

That is the million dollar question.  Do I really belong?  It’s crazy to think how when you start to compare yourself to others it leads to this “oh crap, not sure that I belong here” type thinking.  Why am I challenging my place and not everyone else’s?  Why does it matter?  What I am starting to learn is that we all have a place, our own place, and the key is to embrace that.  The journey that led me to where I am is my journey and because of that I have a uniqueness that I get to contribute.  I have changed a lot over the past several years and I like where I am right now and I like where I see myself going.

Had you said to me 10 years ago that I would be doing beach yoga, sun gazing,  and watching Mayfly formations over the lake I would have likely said “yeah freaking right” and continued eating my chocolate cake, drinking my pop, and getting ready to smoke a cigarette.   I can’t say that I was unhappy then but I feel so much happier now.  I feel alive and confident.  I enjoy making choices that feel good and I feel empowered to make those feel good choices.

I must admit that I might not totally get the sun gazing and the Mayflies but what an awesome night.  We had a great time (yes, Mark my hubby tried his first ever yoga class) but he really enjoyed it (or so he says).  It was fun for me to be able to share yoga with him because it is something I have grown to really love.  We both also love being by the water and sunsets and we were surrounded by some really amazing people.  It is also really cool to be able to experience a new perspective.  Mayflies have always triggered an irritation response and now I have this new perspective – they radiated this high frequency energy and symbolize the health of our great lake.  They also remind us that life is short so seize the day – love and create.  Pretty crazy right?!

But this is what health coaching means to me.  It is all about the journey, that process of growth while also being okay with exactly where you are.  Try things that are new and different, consider a new perspective.  Explore yourself and your relationships.  Expand upon who you are and know it’s okay to feel a little shaky and uncertain but also know that you belong exactly where you are – we all do.  Health is about finding your unique balance so that you can thrive in your life.  It is about being the best you and living the best life.  That might mean doing a shot of wheat grass….or a shot of whiskey.  It might mean eating all raw….but it might not.  It really is about discovering who you are and what your optimal balance is.  Life is way too short…take it from the Mayflies they only live for a day.

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