Doing Hard Things Every Day

Recently I saw a post on social media by Glennon Doyle Melton – something along the lines of doing hard things. She had posted an image of packing lunches and talked about how this too can feel hard and it’s something that happens every day.


YES!!!  I thought, I love this. We forget that we do hard things every single day.


Sometimes it’s simple things that feel hard because they feel like a forced chore. Sometimes it’s hard choices we have to make like which bills to pay this week. Sometimes our energy is wiped or the weather is gloomy or we feel like crap and every single thing – even getting out of bed – feels so freaking hard.


But we do those hard things. We make those hard choices and we keep on moving. We do hard things every single day.


That’s such great news because a lot of times in our mind what we do is build the hard things up and tear our ability to do them down. When we start to recognize that we are basically rockstars who do hard things every day, this shifts.  We start to build our ability to do hard things up and tear the fear that we can’t do them down.


Just imagine for a moment what you would do if you knew that you could do the hard things every single day?!  Maybe you’d go to the gym or have that conversation or launch that business or go on that date – you’d know that it would be hard AND you can handle hard because you do it every single day.


Emily xox

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