Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

As I sit here thinking about this blog post, I am asking myself, “what message do I most want to share? What info has the potential to be most helpful to you today?” This is always something that I struggle with because I am always searching for something profound, something earth shattering. The thing is, today I was reminded that the simplest messages are the most profound…

I was working with a client who was really searching for a way to protect a loved one from most certain heartache. We’ve all been there: that time and place when you see the train wreck about to happen but there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it. I know for myself, I always feel compelled to jump into “fix it mode.” I am a master problem solver; it’s my strength, and it takes every fiber of my being to put on the brakes and just be present and empathetic, to tune in and ask, “how can I help?” I read an article about this a few weeks ago, and it was a huge “a-ha” moment for me (I wish I could remember to whom I could credit this “a-ha,” but even after searching some of my most frequented blogs, articles and webpages, I can’t seem to find it!).

So, this holiday season, when people are vacillating between celebrations and struggles, step back from the fix-it mindset and have your go-to be, “how can I help?” Whether it’s bringing a dish to a holiday gathering, offering a shoulder to cry on, or simply showing up with a bottle of wine…

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