Happy Anniversary Balance & Thrive!!!

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Happy 1st Anniversary to Balance & Thrive!!! Wow, I cannot believe that a year has passed by already.  So much has happened in such a short time, it is amazing to me how quickly time passes.  I have learned a lot during this last year and I wanted to share with you some of my business life lessons.  I hope you enjoy putting them into practice as much as I have!

  1. Value your support system.
  2. Express gratitude.
  3. Learn to let go and move on quickly.
  4. Money is just paper, don’t give it too much power.
  5. Breathe.
  6. Do what you can, let go of the rest.
  7. Get comfortable stepping outside of your comfort zone.
  8. Speak positively.
  9. Problem solve quickly, then move on.
  10. Throw your dreams out in front of you and walk into them.
  11. Every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.
  12. Be authentic.
  13. Trust in the decisions you make.
  14. Set healthy boundaries.
  15. Work hard, play hard.
  16. Fully experience the experience.
  17. Ask for what you need.
  18. Give when other’s ask of you.
  19. Do all things with integrity.
  20. Enjoy.

I am unbelievably blessed in my life.  I have the best husband, family, and friends anyone could ever ask for.  Because of my unwavering support system I have been able to do things I never thought possible because I KNOW with total certainty they will be there to help pick me up and dust me off if I fall on my face.  I love being a business owner and enjoy all of the change that has happened in me this year.  I look forward to another year and I am excited for all that is to come.  Thank you to each of you who read our posts and support Balance & Thrive – I am genuinely grateful and excited to share in this journey with you!

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