Getting Out of the Way of Your Goals

I hope you had a fabulous holiday weekend! I loved how terribly wrong the weather forecast was – pretty sure my iPhone had it wrong for every single day! It was all sunshine and blue skies out this way, how about you?

I’ve missed connecting with you here lately, I’ve been putting more of my attention into writing a book. It’s my big goal for this year and if I’m being truthful with you I’ve come across more than a few stumbling blocks.

The biggest lesson that I’ve learned so far is that it is really really easy to get caught up in the logistics or the “how to” of things. How to find the time? How to actually write (and publish and market) a book? How to help you solve the problems you’re having?

How to…How to…How to…

There are a lot of “how to” questions that have come up, and they had me feeling like I was chasing my tail. I realized that I was getting all caught up in “preparing” to take action which was sucking all of my time (and energy) away from actually taking action.

Ever happen to you?

There is a wealth of information at our fingertips these days. Type in any “how to…” in a Google search and you are bound to be lost in cyber research for hours…maybe even days. Then when you peek your head back out your realize that you feel more overwhelmed and confused than before!

The how to’s are the things that stop us from the dos…there are a lot of reasons they may show up, but the key is to notice them. When you notice them that is your cue to make a decision and get into action. If you search “how to” loose 10 pounds and you catch yourself stuck here just make a decision – choose to cut sugar or carbs, drink more water or exercise – just pick one and go with it.

Besides – just like my iPhone was off on it’s weather reporting, it could be just as off on it’s how to reporting. The internet is loaded with differing opinions – doesn’t mean they won’t resonate or work for you – but it does mean that you don’t need to spend all of your time with how everyone else did it or what alllllllll the different experts say (because you know they’re all saying different things).

You don’t have to decide or figure out what will work best – just give it a go and see what happens. The best teacher is experience. The other cool thing is that action inspires action so the more action you take, the more you will continue to take!  Wooooooohoooooo 🙂

Besides, you probably already know plenty of ways “to do” what it is you want to do…so give yourself a break from all that cyber searching. Step into your day to day living where you can spend less time figuring out how to do it and more time actually doing it!

Let me know what goal you’re working on, and what action you are taking (or planning to take) – just sharing it will help get you motivated! Hit reply and fill me in 🙂 I look forward to hearing from you!

Cheers to getting into action together!


P.S. Know someone who is needing a little inspiration to get into action, be sure to share this post with them. Sometimes we just need a little awareness to help us move into our right direction.

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