Getting Back on Track

Good morning friends! Today is day 7 of my “rise and write” challenge. I took a little time out from writing the past 3 days because we had a weekend filled with festivities to celebrate my amazing sister. It is so important to celebrate the people we love and the life we live whenever possible. It’s one of the greatest gifts of life.

That time out was much needed so that this writing process didn’t start to feel forced or restrictive. Creating a structure that allows us to be flexible and go with the flow of life helps us stick with it long term.  It’s okay to take time outs and to indulge a little – it can actually be the exact thing fuels our energy, creativity and motivation.

The trick is to be intentional about the process. Make a decision to take a time out or to indulge so it feels like a planned detour. This way there is absolutely no reason to sabotage the progress made or to say effffff it all. Simply enjoy, go with the flow of life and then hop back into the goal – no big deal.

So here I am, rising and writing once again. A little sleepy, but here none the less. I’m keeping this post short and sweet. I’ll be back again tomorrow with more.

Emily xo


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