Get excited…your energy matters!

Get excited, your energy matters!

Last fall we moved into our new home. We had both instantly fallen in love with this house (after 4 years of house shopping we had found the one!). The park like lot was one of the main attractions. It’s absolutely gorgeous and unbelievably peaceful!

Maintaining the beauty of our yard is high priority, but both Mark and I are lacking green thumbs. We knew we needed some help!

Recently we met with the most enthusiastic landscaper ever! He was seriously excited and would go from one bush, plant and tree to the next spouting the official names and what it was about to do.

It was fun talking about landscaping with someone who was so in to it (even if I mostly didn’t know what he was talking about).

His energy had me interested and engaged. I was looking around our dormant yard with eager anticipation, imagining everything blooming and coming alive.

Afterwards I started thinking about the importance of how I show up and the energy that I bring to situations. I also started thinking about all the different things that impact that energy.

  • Healthy, strong and well rested vs. worn out, sick and tired.
  • Excited, energetic and in the flow vs. stressed out, sluggish and stuck.
  • Positive, calm and confident vs. negative, anxious and uncertain.

Imagine for a moment yourself in each of the feeling states and then also imagine being with someone in each of the feeling states.

The reality is, energy impacts interaction, so it is really important to not only be aware of the energy that you are bringing to a situation but also to be aware of the things that impact your energy.

Once you are aware, you are able to explore options. When you have options, you have choices. When you have choices, you feel empowered.

Feeling empowered in a situation will impact your energy in a positive way. It also provides you with the opportunity to make tweaks so that you are setting the foundation for more positive and enjoyable experiences.

Like with anything there are things that are in your control and things that are not. Know that that is okay. Sometimes you’ll find yourself having to push through when you’re not feeling at your best. Other times you might decide to re-schedule something because your energy feels off. Whatever you decide will feel like the best decision when it is coming from a place of awareness and choice.

I’ve been thinking lately about the energy I would like to most often bring to different situations (positive, confident and fun) as well as some things I can do to be sure to bring it. I would love for you to do the same. Shoot me an email or share in the comments below what you’ve come up with!


P.S.  I have just 2 one on one coaching spots left and I would love to chat with you! Before you jump on this opportunity, ask yourself “am I living the life experience that I want?” If yes, great! Keep doing what you’re doing. If the answer is not so much, then let’s talk so we can get that turned around ASAP!


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