Fitting in Fitness

It’s hard to find the time to fit it all in. I get it.

Everyone is busy and we often feel pressured to make tough decisions.

I hear from clients all the time about how challenging it is to live healthfully. Meal planning, grocery shopping, meal prep, exercise – how do you fit it all in on top of a busy work schedule, family time, social commitments, volunteering and more?

[bctt tweet=”It’s a hard decision to make when it feels like either or, so it’s time to practice both and more!”]

One of the strategies that I practice myself and I coach my clients on is how to integrate all that you want to do.

I love meeting a friend at the Farmer’s Market or at the park for a walk.  I love it when my husband and I are able to meal plan, grocery shop or cook together. I also love it when we meet at the gym to work out together. And my clients tell me that they love it when they meet friends out for a jog or a hike or at a yoga, zumba or Dancing Mindfulness class! Integrating healthy living with your social time and family time creates a unique sense of connection.

This past weekend I had the opportunity to participate in my first ever 5k, and as a bonus, it was with my family. Everyone participated at their own pace but we shared in the experience and the sense of accomplishment together. It was a really fun day!

Get those happy hormones flowing by moving that beautiful body of yours and spending time enjoying the people that you love. And as a bonus you are doing wonders for your health, weight and body!

Check out some of our photos below from our family fun time run time at Belle Isle Aquarium!


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