Finding Your Fitness

Guest Blog PostMy fabulous friend Jenn (who is also an AMAZING health coach) is sharing her fitness wisdom in this guest blog post. Enjoy!

Fitness has become so overly sophisticated, just like eating healthfully.  There are a TON of fitness gadgets, gizmos, and gimmicks out on the marketplace that make it overwhelming and hard to figure out what is right for you.  The truth is, There is no right or wrong way to workout!  What is important is that you do it and that you like it.

If you don’t workout in a way that you like to then chances of you sticking with it are slim to none.  You don’t have to lift heavy weights, be a runner or do CrossFit to get the results you want.

What is essential is that you simply incorporate the 3 Core Components of Exercise:

  1.     Strength
  2.     Cardio
  3.     Stretching

How you choose to incorporate them is up to you!  Here is a list of just a few different ways to include them but there are many more options to choose from!

Strength Cardio Stretching
Body weight exercises

Resistant bands

Free weights training

Machine weights training

Cable weight training










Tai Chi

Foam Rolling

Myofacial Release


It’s not about what you do, just that you do it.  Stretching, cardio and strength training are equally important to your overall fitness.  Rest is also important.  If we are not rested, then exercise can do more damage than good to our hormones and body, be sure to take at least 1 easy day per every 6-7 days of working out.

So how do you Find Your Fitness so that you can get long-lasting results?…It’s all about making it FUN!

Now fun is a relative word, what’s fun for one person might not be the same for another.  If you have typically found exercising boring then it’s time to try something new and technology has really expanded your options these days.

If you want something in-person and local try and you can search for a variety of fitness, dancing and outdoor adventures in your area that are even sometimes FREE!

If you like to workout in the comfort of your own home, hotel or personal space then you have a ton of options to choose from…If you need some extra accountability check out Wello, they offer virtual group and personal training sessions of all kinds.  And if you want more flexibility then check out live broadcasted workouts on Periscope or pre-recorded ones on YouTube.

Worried that you don’t have any equipment at home to workout with?  No problem.  Fill up some water bottles (small or large) to use as hand weights, fill a backpack with books or household items and strap it on for squats and lunges, and get creative with furniture.

And getting your exercise  done in the morning (at least the more intense kind) can help to regulate your sleep cycles but is not absolutely necessary.  What matters is that you just get it in!

Myth Busted!- You also don’t have spend an hour doing it!  As little as 20-30 minutes per day is substantial, and if you have time for more, then great!  Doing something is better than nothing.  Being physically active isn’t just about looking good; it’s also about survival.  Being active helps us to live longer and fight off disease, but it also can save your life or someone else’s in an emergency situation.

Think about this…

Do you have the endurance to swim a mile or more if a boat you were in capsized?

Could you carry someone out of a burning house?

Could you pull someone to safety if there was a car crash?

Do you have the speed and agility to get a child who was about to run into a busy street?

If you needed to pull your own body weight to safety?

If nothing else motivates you then having to answer “no” to any of those questions just might.  You have to be healthy to lose weight or be fit, not lose weight or be fit to get healthy.  And being healthy is about the relationship you have with your MIND and BODY.

To help you Find Your Fitness answer these 3 simple questions…

  1. What HASN’T worked for me in the past?                                                                                                                  What HAS worked for me in the past?                                                                                     
  2. What are 3 types of exercise do I enjoy the most?
  3. What are 3 types of exercise I would like to try or things I would like to add to my routine?

Now that you understand your fitness style a bit more it’s time to get out there and have fun with it!

-Jenn Malecha, Functional Health Coach and Personal Trainer


Jenn has over 10 years experience as a personal trainer and functional health coach.  She creates custom health coaching and virtual personal training programs to help people stop obsessing over their health and weight so that they can create a life they love and get the results they want.  Her motto is “life is a journey so enhance it with good health!”.  To learn more about Jenn visit

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