Do you ever feel like nothing is working?

Have you ever had one of those days or weeks when it felt like nothing is working? Last week was one of those weeks for me.
It felt like everything I touched fell apart.

From dealing with health insurance to launching the new masterclass to coordinating coaching sessions to a frustrating PayPal hiccup – even trying to order takeout the other night – seriously wtf?!

Everything felt like so much effort and nothing was happening.

By 10:30 Friday morning I was crying on the phone to my hubby ready to say F it all – I’m done.

He was great and reminded me of something really important – yes, things do feel hard sometimes, BUT that is absolutely NOT the time to give up. Take a step back, regroup and refocus.  Remember your priorities – you’re doing great with those.

What I realized was that I had been feeling hopeless, overwhelmed and frustrated. I had started to believe that I can’t have it all…

And that was in conflict with what I thought I wanted “having it all.”

Then something really interesting happened. I was rocking the babe before his nap and I looked down at his peaceful little face – his eyes softly closed, his thumb hanging loosely at the side of his mouth – I instantly realized that he is my having it all AND right now – I am living my having it all.

My business is my dream – inspiring and teaching people how to live a great life, to feel good and be happy. I work with aaaaaaaamazing people that I think the world of AND I have the flexibility to focus on my #1 priority which is being a mom and taking care of my family.

I created this life. I chose this life. It is full of what I love.

And when things aren’t working it’s a sign that I am doing things that are not essential to my health, happiness or success (or I am doing them in a way that is in conflict to me or my values).

When I look back at my week I can see exactly what was off track in each scenario (yep, even in the takeout one). And I am grateful for the reminder to stop trying to do everything, to refocus on my definition of “having it all” and to stay consistent with who I am and how I want to show up in the world.

I’d love to hear from you in the comment section below – what’s  your version of “having it all?”

And if you’re not quite sure what this means to you (or how to make it happen) I’d like to invite you to join me in the “Make IT Happen Masterclass.” I’ll teach you how to get the clarity and confidence you need to turn your “having it all” dreams into your very real reality in 2017.

Get all the details and sign up here.

P.S. Here’s that link for you again – get the details and sign up for the  Make IT Happen Masterclass here.

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