Eat Butter Change the World

Eat Butter, Change the WorldWhat if we’ve got it all wrong? What if all the “science” and the data have made us unnecessarily stressed out and fearful about our food choices? What if we’ve been misguided…what if they’re wrong?

I recently read an article in TIME magazine, “Eat Butter” by Bryan Walsh. In the article, he talks about the new science regarding the facts on fat and the negative impact of the low fat craze we’ve been in over the last several decades. He also writes about the impact of the influx in carbs in our diet. I love the quote in the article by Dr. Darius Mozaffarian, “a bagel is no different than a bag of skittles in your body.

We really need to stop and think about that.

The more that I read, the more conflicting information I come across, and quite frankly, I’m just not sure how much trust to put into the experts since they’ve clearly got it so wrong for the past 40 plus years. The medical business is big business these days. Doctors are on TV and salespeople are pushing medications, supplements, and quick fixes like never before. A person could literally end up with a laundry basket full of supplements and “stuff” before it’s all said and done.

So what’s a person to do? How do you decipher between what’s real, what will work, and phony bologna?!

I believe in a much simpler solution. I believe that we need to learn how to listen to our own bodies and to our own intuition. I believe we need to get more in tune with nature. I believe that we need to eat more whole real food – exactly as it is. No more pink slime or any of the disturbing processed junk we as Americans are eating on a regular basis. Seriously, what the heck is spray butter anyway?!

Now is the time to make a conscious effort to take care of our environment and our soil so that we are ALL able to enjoy high-quality, nutrient-dense food on any budget.

We’ve got it so very wrong right now. We need to slow down and find better balance. It is a problem when we do not take the time to care about ourselves. We need to stop thinking about how much we can get done in a day and the number of years we’re going to live, and instead focus on quality of life.

If you are not feeling good and having fun, what is the point anyway?!

I think that the time is for a global perspective shift: to stress less, and to live more. We feed ourselves like machines because that is how we live our lives – fast, easy, and cheap.

It is time for a change and with that change, the grams of carbs, fats, and protein will be less important because we will feed ourselves on what truly feels good, on what our body needs, and on what enhances our quality of life.

We will stop feeding our emotions with food. We will finally learn to listen and to respond to what our bodies are saying to us. We will prioritize quality of food and quality of life. We will finally trust in ourselves as our very own best expert.

Are you with me? Let’s embrace a new way of living. Let’s focus on whole, real foods. Let’s choose quality over quantity. Let’s start a ripple effect and change the world. Let’s do it together.

What’s one thing you can start doing today?

Let me know how I can support you. I’m ready and with you…I’m all in! Are you?

– Emily

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