Now is the time to develop it, are you ready?


The Make IT Happen meeting Saturday was really great.

I love being around people who believe in more AND who are willing to do something about it.

Really, it’s very very inspiring.

We talked about being emotionally transparent and our roots being exposed – aka vulnerability. It’s a topic that has most of us running for the hills. Yet it’s a vital piece in making things happen.

When we try to protect ourselves from feeling vulnerable we actually have to turn off how we feel, what we  want and who we are.

It sucks.  And it’s no way to live.

How can you have real, meaningful connections when you can’t be yourself? How can you be genuinely happy if you feel trapped by the secret of who you really are? How can you feel purposeful if you can’t acknowledge what you want?

You can’t.  And if you are someone who wants any of that, it’s time to step out from behind your shield.

This can feel really really icky at first. Believe me, I  get it – I’ve been there!!!

But you will get to a point when you can’t imagine any other way. This will actually become a barometer for what you keep in your life and what you let go.

There will come a time when you will only accept relationships and experiences that allow you to be you.

A great first step is to start saying what you want. If someone asks you where you want to go to dinner instead of the usual “I don’t care” or “anywhere is fine” start having an opinion.

Always deferring, or saying “whatever you want” is actually showing indifference. The message is “I don’t care, this isn’t that important to me.” And that’s pretty rude.

Not only are you discounting yourself, but you’re also discounting the other person.

I know. I know. We think we’re being flexible and considerate…but we’re not.

Make it a point to have a concrete response when asked an opinion.  It’s great to be open and flexible, but people value input.  You can flex your “open and flexible” muscles when you cast your vote but get a different outcome.

Saying what you want – being heard – it’s a skill. And now is the time to develop it!

Emily xox


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