De-Clutter to De-Stress

10 Healthy Habits to Simply Stress Less Tip #5

De-clutter to de-stress.  Take the time to organize your environment and create on the outside how you want to feel on the inside.  Do some spring cleaning and practice letting go of the old while you make space for the new. 

Clutter in our environment can create a lot of static and negative background noise.  When our physical space is cluttered and crowded our mental space often feels the same way. Every spring and fall we do a major clean up at our house.  I am always amazed at how much stuff we have accumulated in such a short period of time!  I got a jump start on spring cleaning with a major overhaul of my home office…

I am a little embarrassed to show you the “before” picture of my office because it was pure chaos in there!  The space was cluttered and crowded and not at all conducive to the focus and flow that I needed for my work space.  Yes, I have an office that I go to but I do spend time working from home as well and this space created way too much distraction for me to ever get anything done.  Just being in there got me feeling stressed out!  photo 1        But the idea of even starting on this project was completely overwhelming.  Luckily I work with an amazing business coach and part of my work with her included getting this space in order.  I avoided and procrastinated for as long as I could but then once I got started I could not stop. This 4 hour project turned into an all day/all night affair!

It was this natural high from putting my stuff in order and sending all that I no longer needed off to a new home.  I had 3 boxes filled with stuff, are you kidding me?!  And I even polished the silver desk accessories which makes them much more appealing to have out on my desk!  photo 3 (2)This process was truly exhilarating for me and just a great reminder of why the energy and feel of our physical space really does matter.  Not only did I have an amazing sense of accomplishment when I was done, but I had also created this comfortable home work space.  Mark helped me to create a desk area for my work space and a sitting area for me to do my phone and Skype sessions, read, write, journal, whatever.  I even cleaned off my bulletin board which was full of photos and notes from the past several years – I have a clean slate for all that  is to come.

office transformationphoto 5photo 4 (2)

By de-cluttering our physical space, our minds can’t help but respond.  Clutter creates stress, anxiety, and confusion while order creates comfort, confidence, and clarity. Create for yourself an environment that elicits the feelings for which you are searching. Create bedroom space that is conducive to sleep and sex (the only 2 things that should be happening in there); living space that is conducive to relaxing and entertaining; and a kitchen space that is conducive to cooking, eating, and quality time.

Create on the outside how you want to feel on this inside by asking yourself these 5 questions:

  1. What is the purpose of this space?
  2. How do I want to feel in this space?
  3. What do I need in this space?
  4. What am I ready to let go of and send to a new home?
  5. What do I need to make the space feel just right?

Then pick a day, ask for some help (whether it’s physical labor or accountability) and get to it!  Enjoy your new “just right” space!


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