How to create the space for what you want.

Create the Space for What YOU WantWhat is it that you want? That you really really want?

Every time I think that thought or ask someone that question this song immediately starts playing in my mind.

I’m not even going to pretend that I don’t still love this song (and secretly still wish I could be a Spice Girl…if only I could sing…)

But seriously, what is that you want?  This is the million dollar question, one that I spend a lot of time working on with my coaching clients.  Getting clear on what it is that you truly want is vital in order for you to  get that want.

This might seem obvious but it is the thing with which most people struggle.  Maybe that’s because wanting something and believing it’s possible are two different things. Or maybe it’s because wanting one thing means that you must let go of something else. Or maybe it’s because you’ve become so disconnected from who you really are and what you really  want that you genuinely have no idea how to answer the question.

The good news is, that I’ve worked with numerous people navigating this very thing and I am here to help you too!

I’m hoping that you’ve taken the time to begin to tease this out by using my 3 step method guide that is on the website, if not, go get your copy now.

And once you’ve had time to complete the process, take some time to consider this…

The start of the New Year brings anticipation and expectation. With that anticipation and expectation comes pressure. And the more pressure that we put on ourselves, the stronger our grip becomes on how the outcome “should be.”  The stronger the grip, the less room for the desire.

So what if you got clear on what you wanted and started to take aligned action BUT ALSO allowed yourself to become a blank slate, open and welcoming to whatever is to come?

What if you stopped struggling and seeking so much and trusted that you are clear on what you want, taking the steps to make it happen WHILE ALSO being open to alternate possibilities.

What if you stepped into a simple purpose  – to show up and live each day to the best of your ability – whatever that may be. To settle in. To let go of figuring it out.

To stop trying so hard to be authentic and to just simply be yourself.

To let go of the pressure.

To accept you as you…and accept that others may not.

To just breathe it in…open up…and give as much as you are willing to receive.

What if this was the year for you to stop trying so hard? What if this was the year for you to confidently walk your path while embracing every single detour along the way? What if this was the year for intention AND openness?

You simply have to make the choice.

I am here to help you navigate your way! To help you get clear on what you want, to take steps to make it happen and to open up to possibility. Schedule a “What I really want” Discovery Call here.

Cheers to 2016 – your best year yet!


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